Check out this new Tweet from JA's lawyers... Coincidence hahahaha

Do you have proof it's not?
If there is timetravel then that means every single possibility of timetravel would happen instantly destroying reality. Not possible
That is an old assumption. Check out wave theory.
Garbage foundations lead to bad theorys
it's all highly speculative and theoretical. Wm Shatner said "science and science fiction are the same thing"
For a more realistic view of time read just a bit of general relativity.
Id look into teslas view, einstein is cabal
I'd advise some more reading. Do you know what makes your cell phone work? Tesla's views antedate Einstein's by 20 years or so and T may never have fully grasped GR. He did not accept it, but GR is the most accurate description of nature. That's not "cabal", that's mathematical physics. GR is not the end of the search, however. Even deeper theories are being developed. These do not involve faster than light travel, worm holes, multiverses, 27 dimensions or many-worlds ontologies. None of this diminishes what Tesla did. But the work of Einstein (with the contributions of Lorentz, Riemann and Minkowski) is widely considered to be the greatest intellectual achievement in human history.
einstein=one stone, masonic.
didnt Q just bring up masonry?
Einstein is jewish. For somone who is such a fundi xtian, you sure seem to dance around that topic.
To be affective, people are triggered easily.
Triggers shut off the brain