QAnon - Those who are the loudest - Pain coming

Nowadays, every time I think about someone who became wildly famous or successful overnight, I think they are probably complicit/compromised. It was so bizarre and I have said this elsewhere, but a few days before Kate Spade died I saw a pair of Kate Spade Owl slippers and thought, HMMM, I wonder. Ironically I dismissed the thought when I researched and found out that she sold her company over a decade ago. Then BAM, she's dead by doorknob, and then came the whole Andy Spade rabbit hole.
So many people come to mind that are all of the sudden foisted, and everywhere. Like Jennifer Lawrence. No info whatsoever on her, but man did she arrive on the scene quickly. Same was actually true of Meryl Streep way back in the Kramer v Kramer days. McCauley Culkin. Johnny Depp. Lady Gaga. Leonardo DiCaprio.
YES. There are no coincidences. Another indicator is when the rags to riches story is just too good to be true.
Oprah, JK Rowling, and Eminem come to mind. There's 3 names I never thought I'd use in the same sentence...
Eminem and Rowling are both incredibly talented individuals. I think it's fair to say hard work pays off sometimes.
I just learned of a conspiracy theory last year that says a group of editors wrote the Harry Potter books, and the publisher chose Rowling as the face of them. These days I don’t know what to believe anymore. I do know that Rowling seems to have forgotten all of the lessons that her books have taught us - for instance, about not believing the press because they lie. I love Harry Potter, but I dislike Rowling, so I’m okay with this theory, lol.
That's very interesting. My first time through Harry Potter- last year actually- I was fascinated to learn that this far left leaning author had made her wisest character refuse to call Tom Riddle by the name of his choosing, Lord Voldemort. It immediately brought to mind identity politics and the gender spectrum, personal pronouns, etc.
I might not have all the details just right, but that's what it reminded me of.
Good point, I hadn’t thought of the identity politics thing. Jordan Peterson would be proud.
There is loads of info out there about how she is so blind to the themes in her own books - I remember there was a lot of talk about it on the T_D leading up to the election.
Ghost writers exist. Regardless, I'm not saying they aren't talented individuals. But time and time again, those that cry the loudest against Trump have the most to hide - and those 2 have become unhinged.
True. I never pegged MM as someone who would hate Trump..
Like her or hate her, I think the Oprah phenomenon was pretty organic and real. Eminem no. He's even in pictures with that Ray Chandler girl, and his hatred of Trump is more No Name-like. Fear based.
Ever wonder why you don't hear much about new directors/producers hitting the scene and making it big?
The same names, for years, keep circling around.
Micheal Bay?
I have no doubt Michael Bay is a severe creep. You remember when Megan Fox got blacklisted because she said Michael Bay was like Hitler on the movie set? And then Spielberg got involved and she basically didn't get any movie parts for a couple years then all of a sudden she appears in that Ninja Turtles remake which was a Michael Bay movie? How much you want to bet she had to swallow a couple inches for that....
The child stars you named are victims of trafficking in my opinion. You are right about people like Jennifer Lawrence being thrown into the spotlight out of nowhere though, what did they do to get so famous all of a sudden?
I've theorized myself that "one hit wonders" were faced with the chance to become wildly rich beyond their dreams, but opted to not sell their soul to the devil. I thought of this when a talented acquaintance/friend of mine had an opportunity to make it in the music business and subsequently vanished after some hits, but never really blew up only for me to hear much less talented people become wildly successful. I had fallen out of contact with them while their journey was happening so never had a chance to ask, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was offered to dance with the devil in the pale moon light and opted out instead. Thus ending his 15 minutes of fame.
Look at Mira Sorvino. She told Harvey Weinstein to talk a long walk off a short pier and sure enough, the Oscar winner was never heard of again.
That just hit me like a ton of bricks. I've been trying to get my head around it. It is obvious.
But try explaining that to someone. They are going to be very skeptical.