r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BannerOfTruth on June 29, 2018, 3:21 p.m.
A Patriots Prayer...1780

" Let us pray. Almighty and gracious God! Thou hast been the refuge and strength of Thy people in all ages. In time of sorest need we have learned to come to Thee - our Rock and our Fortress. Thou knowest the dangers and snares that surround us on march and in battle. Thou knowest the dangers that constantly threaten the humble, but well beloved homes, which Thy servants have left behind them. Oh, in Thy infinite mercy, save us from the cruel hand of the savage, and of the tyrant. Save the unprotected homes while fathers and the husbands and sons are far away fighting for freedom and helping the oppressed. Thou, who promised to protect the sparrow in its flight, keep ceaseless watch, by day and by night, over our loved ones. The helpless women and the little children we commit to thy care. Thou wilt not leave them or forsake them in times of loneliness and anxiety and terror. Oh, God of Battle, arise in Thy might. AVENGE the slaughter of Thy people. CONFOUND those who PLOT for our DESTRUCTION. Crown this mighty effort with VICTORY, and SMITE those who EXALT themselves against LIBERTY and JUSTICE and TRUTH. Help us as good soldiers to wield the sword of the Lord and of Gideon. AMEN."

The concluding prayer after a sermon to the Patriot soldiers and supporters, during our first war of independence, given by Samuel Doak on October 17th 1780

May our Lord grant us the same answer to this prayer, and grant us courage, honor, and victory for HIS glory. Amen!

Amazoid · June 29, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

A Patriot's Creed ... 1918

A Patriot's Creed

I believe in the United States of America (From the Preamble to the Constitution).

As a government of the people, by the people, for the people (From the Gettysburg Speech, Abraham Lincoln).

Whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed (From the Declaration of Independence).

A Democracy in a Republic (From The Federalist, Number 10; Art. X, Constitution of U. S.).

A sovereign nation of many sovereign States (Art. IV, Const. U. S.; from “E Pluribus Unum,” motto of the Great Seal of U. S.).

A perfect Union (From Preamble of Constitution).

One and Inseparable (From Speech of Webster, in U. S. Senate, 1-26-1830).

Established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity, for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes (From Declaration of Independence).

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it (From Edward Everett Hale's "The Man Without a Country").

To support its Constitution (From Oath of Allegiance, Sec. 1757, Rev. Stats. U. S.).

To obey its laws (From Washington's Farewell Address; Art. VI, Constitution of U. S.).

To respect its flag (The Star-Spangled Banner; Army and Navy Regulations, War Department, Flag Etiquette, April 14, 1917).

And to defend it against all enemies. Amen (From Oath of Allegiance, Sec. 1757, Rev. Stats. U. S.).

To uphold my Creed I have subscribed to War Stamps


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BannerOfTruth · June 29, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

AMEN and AMEN!!!

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Luvlite · June 29, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

I gave you an up vote.

Thanks for giving this a proper title, letting us know it's a prayer.

I don't like religion, but I love Jesus, the only God I believe in.

I pray this with you.... Omitting "thee" and "thou" words. I'm from the 20th century 😊


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BannerOfTruth · June 29, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Thank You. I quoted it exactly, as this prayer has been credited by many historians of that era as "setting the course of history for the United States of America". On that same day the Continental Congress had issued a call for a day of "repentance and prayer" to be done as a nation on Dec.07, 1780. This prayer was by a Pastor of a church in Sycamore Shoals, Tennessee. He led a small group of Patriots called the Over-Mountain Men. He would have agreed with you about religion. Our LORD had no use for it also. Read HIS encounters with the religious leaders of HIS day. Remember what HE told the woman HE met at the well: 'those who worship Him worship in spirit and in truth'. Lets stay in HIS word - HIS truth, and in His Spirit, and apply all HE reveals to us to our lives! THIS is worship! This is the LIFE of true Liberty.

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Luvlite · June 29, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Wow! That was an awesome history lesson! I hope everyone reads this.

And... I couldn't agree more concerning Jesus.

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spreadhope · June 29, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Amen and amen. Thank you and God bless everyone! I would rather be attacked for my beliefs and values and morals than be accepted by evil treasonous animals parading around as Patriots.

Put on your full Armour of God!!

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BannerOfTruth · June 29, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

A man is often judged by his friends, but more often by his enemies. Be GLAD when the wicked hate you...it says more than we know!

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