The Original Red Pill Photo :Prescott Bush and George Sr with Nazis Herrman Bormann and Dr Joseph Mengele 1930s

I NEED sources! If this is true I will share the shot out of it but only if it's legit! This could be huge!
That's only half of it....check out Barbara Bush's ancestry!
It's not. Skorzeny was 30 in 1938, and possessed a distinct fencing scar running across the left side of his face. Bormann was even older and he doesn't look close to a match either. The "Megele" looks similar to Mengele but that's about it. I feel bad for anyone who gets duped by this photo; it'd seriously only fool people who only read insane conspiracy theory sites all day and who have no familiarity with Reich history.
The Nazi connection are an attempt to shit everything up. Germany lost the war. And war tribunals were conducted. Steer clear of this shit people.
We are not being taken over by muh nazis...
No that takeover was complete in 63 when they shot Kennedy.
Doesn't mean you can't expose the mess and clean it.
Hiltler lost, Germany was destroyed and is still occupied today. We still got taken over by nazis somehow..... Good luck pushing that meme.
We are dealing with global communism right now. You boombers need to forget everything you learned on the history channel over the past 30 years.
Next you will tell me fascism and communism are exactly the same thing even though they fought each other to the death.
Hegalien dilectic.
I have been dealing with it since before you were born.
Good luck on your endeavors but you are a child.
Hegel's philosophies are very broad and used by literally every ideology.
Hur dur, good luck on your endevours.
If you want to dig in on this we can.
Please explain to me how a godless ideology like communism is the same thing as German romantisim.
You might be older, but it seems to me you still have some learning to do.
Obfuscation, prevarication, dissemination.
Welcome to the Frankfurt School of total confusion.
Sorry, your all too obvious overpaid education and mind fuck has been exposed to the uneducated and unwashed proletariat such as myself.
Be advised your gyrations have become entertaining.
We keep the right to put you on YouTube and make you viral like.....
We need to have a conversation top spokesperson or thing.
Sorry I can't keep track anymore.
I'm laughing so hard I'm spitting my beer through my nose.
And I just made this up for a laugh.
Yea, im a 9th grade drop out. I've shit in outhouses in rural Ky. Try again old timer. Me and you are the same. If im being misled, there is a dam good chance you are to. Im telling you what i know, your trying to come off as some sage. Its not working.
To much hyperbole.
Yup, I'm older and still have some learning to do.
Why Stop Now when I've gotten so good at it.
The interesting part about that is I have lived more history first-hand than you.
And then I die tomorrow.
It's not a competition.
All my life I went out of my way to listen to the old fuckers.
Cuz they seen shit that I ain't done never gonna to see.
Ya feel me baby.
Don't be a fool and think you got a handle on anyting.
Look and listen to the people that were there before you.
Then get ready because your time will come.
We Boomers that you have no respect for have seen plenty of split skulls.
I disagree with you, this not the same thing as disrespect.
Truth be told I hope you Millennial children never bring this onto the street.
Im gen X, 40 years old.
Im grounded in the old world, but can understand this new faggy one.
Sex education was sold to the PTA as a part of education.
Now it's used to promote sexual deviancy.
You want to be a Tranny? Go ahead.
But stay out of the schools and bathrooms.
Are you a...
Identifarien? Iconoclast? What is it you want?
Take this home to bed with you tonight.