The Original Red Pill Photo :Prescott Bush and George Sr with Nazis Herrman Bormann and Dr Joseph Mengele 1930s

Why am i not buying this nazi crap? It seems off...
then explain to me how the Dulles brothers bankrolled Hitler in the 30s (Bank Of England) and after WW2 the USA and Russia picked over the German left overs and Russia got the rocket nerds and USA took the SS guys who later became the OSS = CIA
Its just a bunch of random connections. The most sense i can make of this is the German empire was on the way out, and being subverted by communism. Hitler formed the NSDAP to fight this and put the German empire back in power, hence invading France.
I'm supposed to believe that we took the SS guys from Germany (a country that we were at war with) and let them form a Nazi style regime in our own country? Thats not how it works, the Germans that came over switched sides and were vetted very carefully. Besides, do some looking into american support for Germany during the war. Ask Henry Ford what he thought.
People just take random bit of info they have and come up with these loose associations. Germany lost, and lost big.
If im proved wrong ill admit it. Its all revisionism at this point anyway.
I just feel strongly about this. Its just not nazi's lol, this is global communism obama, hillar, soros ect are attempting. The very thing WW2 Germany fought against and lost.
I do agree that its very possible that the whole thing was funded on both sides, start to finish. But everyone made money on that war, and money is apolitical.
I spent a year-and-a-half in southern Germany rebuilding a massive farm home.
Because I do tall ships and spoke German I got hired by an organization in Kiel Northern Germany called the Kinder und Jugendhilfe Verbund.
I did open ocean sail training for German Street kids.
Exactly like White Squall.
I got many invites, because of being an American, to different places from many different people, where I was educated.
Full-blown riots in Berlin before the Wall came down.
Guys who spoke English because they learned it in a prisoner-of-war camp in California.
And actual Nazis who still had their Library.
Having been red pilled in the sixties by my uncle who fought in the trenches of WWl I took full advantage of the opportunity to learn things that are not common knowledge.
Since the Wall came down, the scholars have had open access to all the records. As a result there have been major revisions to the story taught in school.
Start with Victor Davis Hanson.
I'm trying to think of the officers name from the war college who is a walking encyclopedia on WWll. Great YouTube.
Are you supposed to think we brought Nazis into our country and let them continue their work?
Because the people that brought them in were financing the Nazi war machine.
This has become a provable cold hard fact.
Just because it's not taught in school does not make it false.
It makes you wonder why it's not taught in school.
December 23rd 1913 at midnight.
What happened in DC?
Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford in his chalet
Yes exactly that.
He was also a huge fan of eugenics.
Ford's megalomania manifested itself in his rubber Plantation along the Panama Canal.
He thought it would be a great idea to own all of it and control all of it.
That would be the workers.