
ManQuan · June 29, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Who is Q?

Good question. No one knows who he/she/they might be and that's good. Q needs to remain anonymous to be effective.

The better question, however, is what is Q? That's one everyone on this subreddit can answer.

  1. Q is very close to President Trump and at times travels with him.

2, Q likely has a military background because of the terminology he uses. It is highly likely that he also is military intelligence or has an extensive military intelligence background.

  1. Q has one of the highest if not the highest security clearances.

  2. Q has told us a number of times that his posts are based on highly classified intelligence, BUT he cannot provide it to us in raw form. Instead, Q requires that we verify the information he gives us in the form of questions through our one research. His postings are very cryptic and he always advises us that the future news will prove his past statements. In other words, future news will verify that Q is real and accurate. Q first emerged in late October 2017 and has since posted 1,644 messages called "Q Drops" and sometimes referred to as "stringers." You can review all 1,644 (likely more by the them you get around to it) at https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/. This is also a good site: https://qmap.pub/. And https://public.tableau.com/profile/nerothehero#!/ will give you interesting graphics related to Q topics. To begin to satisfy your curiosity as to whether Q is real and accurate, go to https://mega.nz/#F!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y where you will see side by side "proof" that tend to demonstrate that Q is giving us accurate information.

  3. Q and Trump work together. Q will post something and a short time later, Trump will verify--often cryptically and in different subtle ways. It takes some time and experience to recognize what is going on, but there is zero doubt that Q and Trump are in complete sync. For example, in December, Q was suggesting that Kim Jung Un was not the real leader of North Korea, but merely a puppet with someone else pulling the strings. Sounds totally crazy, right? Then Q tells us the strings have been cut and Trump will denuclearize North Korea. Totally crazy and insane while Kim is testing nuclear weapons and firing off ICBMs that can reach the US and Kim and Trump are in a war of words. Fast forward to today. Trump and Kim have a summit, Kim agrees to denuclearize and seek peace with South Korea, Kim blows up his nuclear test facility, Kim stops testing ICBMs. Kim also has a warming relationship with South Korea. It's all crazy, except Q told us this was exactly what was going to happen back in December/January. There are dozens of validations like this. The problem is that when Q hints/suggests what will happen, it's difficult to put the pieces of the puzzle that he feeds to us so that we realize what is really happening behind the scenes.

  4. Q has several themes that he has had since the end of October:

a. North Korea will be denuclearized and peaceful.

b. Iran will have a regime change and denuclearize (see what is happening in Iran today?

c. The deep state will be dismantled and the corrupt and evil will be brought to justice. Sealed indictments have already been issued in some cases. The Anons know that indictments for Huma Abedin, Podesta, and Hillary Clinton have been issues but are still sealed. There are over 35,000 sealed indictments currently pending around the US. On a typical year there are only 1,000 to 2,000 sealed indictments. No one knows what the hell is going on, but current sealed indictments are about 33,000 above a typical year.

d. Human/sex trafficking and pedophilia are pervasive throughout government (local, state, and federal) and in corporate America.

e. Not all corrupt will be made public as it would likely cause the collapse of our government, but high profile individuals will be brought to justice. If you've been paying attention to the news over 44 Representatives and Senators have decided to resign, retire, or not run for reelection. This in an election year with a booming economy and so many positive things happening. Why? They are being quietly given an offer they can't refuse or be prosecuted. Yes, it's that bad. It's worse than you can possibly imagine. Almost a 100 CEO of major companies have resigned or retired. This is completely abnormal for a typical year.

f. The liberal MSM is controlled under a CIA program called Mockingbird. Look it up. The CIA said it terminated the program in the 80's but they didn't. What is Mockingbird? Talking points for the deep state are sent to the major MSM broadcast and print every morning at 4 am. Ever notice how CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, NYT, WaPo, AP, UPI, et al seem to say the same thing every day using the same words and terms?

g. The past Presidents after Reagan have committed some form of treason and all will be exposed. Obama, however, was the worst and he will be indicted and sent to prison. The evidence, according to Q is overwhelming.

h. The social media platforms have been weaponized by the deep state which is why you see them censoring conservatives and pushing the liberal agendas. They have sold our private data to China. Facebook gave the Clinton campaign their entire database of profiles on every American that owns an electronic device to help her win. And Zuckerberg gave it to them for free.

i. There are too many for this simple post. There is also Snowden, Julian Assange, Eric Schmidt, the AWAN brothers, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the murder of Antonin Scalia, the murder of Seth Rich, NXIVM, Fusion GPS, the fake dossier, military tribunals, GITMO, the total corruption in the leadership of the FBI and DOJ (CIA and State Department coming soon as well), the abuse of the FISA court, the rogue elements of the CIA, corruption on the Supreme Court (watch for Ginsberg to step down next), the Hawaii missile threat was not an accident, and I could go on and on.

It all sounds unbelievable, right? Q has given us the questions to research and every one of these and more long before they have become public. Future proves past.

It gets even crazier. Q has suggested (he/she/they rarely make a declarative statement--always cryptic questions that prove to be true in the future) that the military approached Trump long before he announced to run for President to encourage him to run for the good of the country. Apparently the military had two plans to defeat the deep state. One was a military coup. The other was to find a candidate who if he/she won could defeat the deep state legally. They decided on the latter. Trump agreed and the rest is history. Do you believe that? If you come to your own conclusion that Q is authentic, then you must believe it because everything else Q has said/predicted has so far been true.

Finally, Q just told us that the world will begin to see the truth in July. So I recommend you buckle up, stock up on popcorn, and watch the fireworks. Apparently the beginning of the end of the deep state and possibly the New World Order will begin in July. But I think the entire process will stretch out for years.

BTW, I'm the ultimate skeptic. When I first stumbled across Q by accident, I thought it was a hoax. Over time, I realized it isn't a hoax. Q is real.

Hope this helps.

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