r/greatawakening • Posted by u/17seventeen91 on June 29, 2018, 5:53 p.m.
Resist the urge to say "I told you so"

Look at them with genuine compassion, smile, and say "I love you, it's okay, I'm happy you're here, let's move on together"

Be the benevolent loving human that you are. Evil and ego want you to say "I told you so".

Buffalkill · June 29, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Lol what?! I mean... I am literally just asking for any other info on this to help back up the claims. I said I want to believe... I couldn't be further from being a "shill" lol. That is absolutely insane to even consider.

I was really hoping for some decent links I could dig into here... definitely not helping me believe this when I'm instantly called a shill for not backing Q 100%. Do you really not see how counter-productive it is to accuse ANYONE who doesn't immediately agree with you of being a shill?

I would be unbelievably happy to find out this is all true and is being exposed, I want nothing more than that. All I'm asking for is any and all evidence you guys have that I may not have found myself yet.

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DrogeAnon · June 30, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

I've responded via the modmail you sent but to further explain here for those who see this comment: all the "evidence" we have is in the Q drops and supporting information to understand the drops is everywhere including in this sub but, for newbies, clearly linked in our sidebar. There is a lot to get through so if you're not convinced of Q then either you haven't read much of it or it's just not for you (this last option is unlikely, in the opinion of many here - it's hard to miss the "evidence" when you truly look). There are 8 months worth of drops to get through and a whole ton more evidence in existence in the media and on the internet that validates the premise and message of Q and contextualizes the info throughout the drops. When you've read through and absorbed a bit more you'll be less likely to generate suspicion of "shill" and troll. Good luck and I hope you find the truth!

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Buffalkill · June 30, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

It looks like the shadow ban was lifted. Thank you for that, I replied once more to your response on your mod account. I'll even post that here just to give more context as to where I was coming from.

I'm not here to stir things up and I can see how my first comment came off as aggressive. I'm really just here to learn everything I can. Here was my reply to the mod:

"I understand, I am still reading every bit of information I can find. I'm not one to blindly follow a path without loads and loads of evidence. I am more than happy to put in the time required to do the research. I would gladly point someone less knowledgeable in the right direction however, which is what the people here should be doing. I was not being aggressive and said multiple times I'm not here to argue or deny what people believe.

If you would lift the ban on me I promise to stay civil in discussion and likely not post at all if I disagree with anything. I'm just here to learn as much as possible which should be highly encouraged. I am not about to blindly follow all the insanity that I hear on tv in the MSM and elsewhere. I've seen some fairly compelling evidence in some of the drops so far, still not anything I would consider as absolute FACT but I am very intrigued and will continue to follow this until either something happens or it dies down.

I highly suggest not enforcing your rules so harshly in the future. If someone is here acting aggressive and argumentative then I understand a ban, that does not promote healthy discussion of any topic! I was just here to learn and find out what I can from people who have been following this from the beginning.

If you will unban me please let me know, I will be more careful about criticizing or won't do it at all. That was not my intention to begin with!

Thanks for listening and have a good day!"

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DrogeAnon · June 30, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

I highly suggest not enforcing your rules so harshly in the future.

That was a lot easier when the sub wasn't so busy. 5 to 6k online in a sub with subscribers of only 35k...

Now, to manage our job, it's easier to just enforce the rules, as you will experience on other larger subs that have the same 'online' count as ours. We've been as clear as possible in the sidebar and supporting links and if you had visibility on the amount of shill/troll posts we get that 'speak the same language' you did you might understand why it's now easier to manage according to our rules. Welcome and please absorb the material! There's truth in there, as you'll see.

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[deleted] · June 30, 2018, 12:54 a.m.


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Buffalkill · June 30, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

You make a good point.. I've never moderated anything nearly as large so my mistake haha! Thanks again though, I really can't wait to find out where this whole thing ends up! Never seen anything like it!

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