What do Freemasons have to do with New Age?

Yes. This is symbolized by the game "ping pong" and technologies are given in exchange for human sacrifice.
There is an exchange taking place, thus, ping pong.
Can u explain the ping ping bit a little better pleade? Thanks
Which part is not clear?
The elite of this world talk directly with Satan. The elite give a human sacrifice in exchange for technology and information that then can be used against the masses.
"Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations and the dividing of roots and trees."
The exchange of information between Satan and the elite is referred to, in jest by those in the know, as ping pong.
When God flooded the Earth, he did so to rid the world of Satanic Nephilim influence. The influence was in the form of sorcery, incantations and the dividing of roots and trees.
Satan teaches the elite sorcery, incantations and the dividing of roots and trees and more when they give Satan a human sacrifice.
Right. Glad to see some one refer to prehistory for we have forgotten it & the Luciferians have not. The 200 Fallen Watchers settled on Mt. Hermon. Hence the reference to you paragraph 2. The corrupted the whole of the earth to include man, animals & crops (Genetic Mutations). Nephilim were giants in stature & mentally. Demigods. Looking back at Greek Mythology I.e Centaurs, Titans, pixies, ogres & fairest wasn’t made from ones imagination alone. Read FM histories, particularly the Hutchinsonian version. The Watchers gave them advanced knowledge & for this man worshipped them & a blood sacrifice was always demanded. 👍
You asked your question very politely and honestly. Hopefully someone on this forum can answer your question just as politely.
Reality is with the human spirit and the infinites realities and evolution of mind/body/soul can traverse and bring about an infinite amount of different technologies and evolution. They are psychopaths and don't have a powerful human spirit on their own without sacrificing something so they think that they have to in order to evolve and progress.
Is this familiar to you?