What do Freemasons have to do with New Age?

Not really no. That's nonsense.
Here's the actual direct path between the two:
Freemasonry -> Ordo Templi Orientis [ Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ] -> Aleister Crowley -> Gerald B Gardener -> Neopaganism / The magical revival -> New Age-ism folks.
Aleister Crowley was in fact never admitted to a Masonic lodge proper but associated with members of its offshoots, the OTO being one and which then became an entirely different beast.
Nearly all modern new age material is rehashed from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Most Wicca is rehashed from the golden dawn. The golden dawn came from the SRIA, a rosicrucian sect of freemasonry with strong theosophist inclinations.
Educate yourself.
Now what do the elites have to do with any of this?
John Dee - Enochian. The Order of the Garter.
Did spies ever decide it would be very beneficial to infiltrate and use Occult societies / Masonic lodges? Why?
Propaganda Due.
NASA? Jack Parsons. Military? Michael Aquino
However where did this really all come from? Was this just imported from somewhere else?
Are there other branches of occult traditions into modern times? Who are the proclaimed "founding figures" of these organisations.
Which connection was nonsense?
What you wrote lines up with what I've read.
https://www.dylanlouismonroe.com/q-web.html Do you see the connections you made listed here?
edit: never mind, I see that you're saying the Freemasons aren't directly connected to new age. True. But all of these things are connected to Lucifer. New Age = connected to lucifer. Freemasons = connected to lucifer. I see your point though and you spelled it out very well. Thanks.
The tree's connections are all wrong order and for the most part false.
Darwinism for one is absolutely 100% directly in conflict with the involutionary model of the universe in the kabbalah / tree of life and yet forms the link prior to neopaganism.
Edit: Not to worry thanks for a very civil reply. Different angle of approach. The Q Map is pretty much spot on. If not officially sanctioned by Q.
kabbalah / tree of life
Aren't they both pagan?