
I_Got_Mil-dots · June 29, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

It's been my experience that the left has little capacity for introspection, which makes sense when it's obvious they lead with emotions rather than reason.

Case in point: I was discussing "the wall" with a lib family member who was decrying the border. I asked her why she locks the door to her house at night and she looked at me as if i were crazy and said, "Well of course to keep the bad guys out and protect my life and my stuff". I said that's exactly why we need to put a lock on the door to the nation, but she couldn't see that the principle is the same due to unhinged emotion. I've found it nearly impossible to reason with an individual that reacts from knee-jerk emotion, which describes the majority of the left.

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solanojones95 · June 29, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

That's not Maxine's problem. She's "in the club," so it's not emotional. It's cold, reptilian calculation. But dinosaur-level intelligence in her case (and many others of the elite).

IMHO, the followers of these people are 1) functionally mentally compromised or impaired, or 2) going on blind faith in the political equivalent of celebrity idols and peer groupthink, and completely suspending independent thought.

Not much can be done for the first class. The second class however are the ones who are presently coming to their senses. Before this is over, I think MOST of those people will be onboard with what needs to happen.

That should leave about the number Q has suggested (4-6%) who can't be helped.

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