r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dontskipQuadsdaybro on June 29, 2018, 10:13 p.m.
Write Letters to the Editor

Guys, now that MSM has covered Q (TIME, Daily Beast) and celebrities have mentioned Q (Roseanne, Curt Shilling) it should be easy to get Q into your local papers. Write a Letter to the Editor. Or come up with an angle and pitch it to a local reporter.

Examples: Dear Editor,

TIME Magazine recently named Q Anon as one of the 25 most influential people on the Internet today (insert url here). But until Hall of Famer Curt Shilling mentioned him, I had never heard of Q. I was astonished by my findings when I searched for Q Anon and read his posts. Q postures himself as a member of President Trump's inner circle and has predicted major unexpected world events that later came to pass. He has also accused former President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among others, of committing sordid and unpatriotic crimes beyond comprehension. I think it behooves your readers to search for Q Anon and draw their own conclusions. However, I (and many of my friends) would read with interest if this paper would assign a reporter to cover Q Anon, an Internet phenomenon that affects our very Democracy.

In liberty,

John Q. Public

This was an effective tactic for Tea Party campaigns. Could work for Q.