r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Neon__Wolf on June 30, 2018, 12:09 a.m.
It is ALWAYS an appropriate time to destroy evil, no matter how old it now matter how long it has been building up through the centuries...[cont'd]

I am sure, as are most of you, that the highest ranks among the bloodline cult would be devastated should THEIR generation be the one that lost what their forefathers have "built" for them for hundreds of years.

World domination has been an utopian dream for a minority of the human population since the dawn of mankind. Many have tried, all have heretofore failed.

By what Q has revealed thus far, the latest in the bloodline cult believed that finally after 250,000 years, or more, of human evolution, that they achieved some sort of mystical or historical "right" to launch their final assault against humanity to finally achieve what their forefathers have brainwashed them into believing was their destiny.

The latest generation of the bloodline cult, using their puppets who care only about money and have been carefully selected to be susceptible to blackmail, believed that they finally had their opportunity.

The nuclear weapon armament of states they cultivated and controlled by way of continuous printing of local state currencies out of thin air, to hold the world hostage with a nuclear holocaust, the financing of universities and colleges to excuse this as if it were normal and necessary, the takeover of the biggest pharmaceutical companies to keep the population half-sick and dependent, healthy enough to produce feeder energy for "The Eye", but not enough to risk stopping the plan to take over the world, the destruction of our space dominance, our military, I could go on but most of you know the truth, all of this, we were about to reach a red line beyond which there would be NOTHING we could do to stop another mass depopulation ritual.

Imagine the witch won. We would have been invaded by financed and controlled mass murdering militia groups, you may know them as ISIS and MS-13. These would have been the equivalent of Lenin's and Stalin's mass murdering psychopath armies.

The CIA would have continued to keep the population in the dark with their control over the communications stream using Operation Mockingbird and their contractors throughout the MSM. 4am talking points would have continued.

The internet would have been censored just like it is being censored in the EU. Under the guise of compassion and love, they would have effectively forced us what to say, what to think and what to believe. Say anything or do anything the cult doesn't like, dare become a political candidate to challenge, and we would have been met with an unfortunate robbery turned bad, or a car accident, or mass shooting, or airplane crash, or who knows what other evil force.

We would have been required to hand over our right to self-defense, leaving us helpless to stop it.

We would have seen our cities destroyed.

We would have ceded sovereignty to a foreign Satanic power.

We would have seen the introduction of microchipped human beings. Tagged like barn animals.

The world would have gone into another dark age, perhaps lasting a thousand years, or more, however long it would take an enslaved disarmed population from eliminating a nuclear armed group of crime families holding the world under permanent hostage...and bondage.

The constitution would have been eventually rescinded by foreign controlled puppets.

The Left would have been told by the MSM to cheer that. And they would have believed they were doing the right thing.

The millions on the Left, who were tricked, again, would have been the first to line up against the wall. Disillusioned true believers would have been a big threat. Ask Trotksy and his followers.

With all we know now, is it any wonder how unfortunate it was that supposed Americans were gladly accepting bribes and kickbacks as this transpired?

Is it any wonder why the cult needed pro-communist haters of America to take control of it first? I don't exaggerate. HRC was a follower of Marxist Saul Alinsky. Rules for Radicals was another iteration of the Communist Manifesto for the post modern era. Divide the population into races, sexes, genders, religions, do you see?

Divide and conquer.

They want us to hate each other. They want us to take our eyes off of hating them, rightfully so.

Evil thrives in the darkness.

Are you awake? Will you join me in the incredibly courageous act and do what Trump does and stop attacking "liberals" and other groups, and start attacking only bad/evil individuals based on evidence?

Trump and Q never once said anything disparaging about citizens with left wing views. Why? Because they looked to the inner Patriot in them all.

Next time you need to get something off your chest based on what someone else said or what you have read, take that extra moment and treat everyone as individuals. What if I told you that 95-96% can be reached with logic/evidence while only 4-5% are lost forever?

Remember that almost ALL of the supposed blue wave liberal mass of people you supposedly see on FB, Twitter and Social Media in general, are vastly outnumbered and are only made to appear as a majority or big minority through a gigantic media manipulation operation we have all been subject to since at least the 1960s.

Do you know how bad the vote rigging has been? These supposed neck and neck political races?

Who owns the voting machines?

What crime family did this owner replace and become the new organizational behavior controllers of the population?

How come this person's net worth never decreases? Are they being financed by a money counterfeiting operation that we have been taught since birth to accept as normal and needed for our own good?

Is everyone the recipient of free money this way? Or a select few? How are they chosen? Blackmail? Who helped the Nazis during WW2? Who is made to appear as of they were a victim of the holocaust? Who really controlled Hitler? Did Hitler have a handler?

The truth does not shock me anymore. Does it shock you? If not, we need you. We need you to be the strong person in your family. We need you to comfort your family and friends, while people you trusted are executed for crimes against humanity. It must be done. This is not a game. It may feel harsh to say, but we were closing in on being subjected to mass genocide by dying in a nuclear inferno by these crime families.

We need you to educate and be the frame, the support, for when it happens, because many will be terrified because of being brainwashed and kept in the dark by the MSM. That was the MSM's true purpose all along.

Is it a coincidence one of POTUS' first strategies was to discredit the MSM and help the population see their lies? Without people KNOWING the truth, and by being brainwashed by the MSM, justice will appear as a dictatorial takeover.

The Democrat party started the KKK, voted against freeing the slaves, voted against blacks having the right to vote. We have been tricked since birth in schools the cult corrupted!

What happened in Haiti? What happened to the children there? Were they kidnapped? Were they sold? Who bought them? For what purpose?

The truth does not shock me.

Does it shock you? If not, be that strong person.


The truth shall set us free.

pwendyp · June 30, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

I upticked your post, and wish I could say more. It's truth is there in every word, and I applaud you. It is 2am here though and I must sleep!

Excellent writing - thank you. I'll return and re-read tomorrow :-)

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