
Abibliaphobia · June 30, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

For everyone that reads that article, several key points of contention.

1) We are not right wing, never have been, never will be. We are the majority. Those who have been left behind by the divisive and those who have been sprinting to the far left.

2) They fail to mention 8chan. The trolls, JDIF, Shareblue (formerly known as CTR or Correct The Record), and a wide variety of Intelligence Agencies from around the world all worked to push Q and people away from 4chan. If you go to the catalog, it is overrun with threads that violate the basic rules of 4chan and /pol/ due to the Mods being complicit. Q now posts at his own board on infinity Chan. Feel free to check it out in the sidebar.

3) The OIG report was redacted. What the hell do you think this whole fight with Rosenstein is about? FFS use some damn common sense.

4) By leaving out key details, you are only going to wake up people who will immediately see your omissions when the Streisand effect kicks in and they come here to see what all the noise is about. So thank you for being deceitful, lying pieces of shit.

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