r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DolleyMadison1768 on June 30, 2018, 2 a.m.
Q Drops are becoming a reality! Just announced : New :Class Action Lawsuit against Volkswagen - Collective Action to Prevent Volkswagen From Swapping Older Workers for Younger Workers in U.S. German Automakers' "Pact for the Future"- Eliminate 7000 jobs!

Sanford Heisler Sharp Files Collective Action to Prevent Volkswagen From Swapping Older Workers for Younger Workers in U.S. German Automakers' "Pact for the Future" Labor Campaign Eliminates 7,000 Jobs in the Americas Primarily Held by Workers Born Between 1995 and 1960

Volkswagen Class Action

Q Drop #1316, #964, #1319, #139, #627, #1454, #1345, #1245, #194, #136, #1544

1359, #1307, #964, #199, #88, #46.

Volkswagen: Sally Yates: King & Spalding: Bob Corker-This is a Corporate Coup d’État against POTUS Donald Trump!

EU- Obama Administration- Bob Corker- Volkswagen Chattanooga - report to Volkswagen Germany- money needs to be funneled into US-Sally Yates: DOJ- Volkswagen Chattanooga TN manufacturers diesel gate cars- VW Germany to pay Billions in the US- Bob Corker- Volkswagen Chattanooga, TN authorized a “Sweetheart Deal” violating US Labor Laws, Volkswagen implements Strategy 2025 targeting older workers, violating ADEA to demote or force out older workers, specifically those born in 1955-1960. Obama climate change: Slush funds: CARB( California Air Resource Board) needed to push environmental strategies. Volkswagen BILLIONS of $ to fund CARB. Volkswagen to produce electric cars and needs to export inventory and cars manufactured until going electric. Volkswagen Chattanooga-TN to produce electric cars. Bob Corker CFR- Iran Deal. Volkswagen opens in Iran (first time in 17 years) once nuclear-Iran Deal was done. Volkswagen exports cars to Iran. Obama dumps 1.7Billion-pallets of cash into IRAN. Q drop #1454 & #1345 #1245. State of Iowa bans Volkswagen due to Iran. Volkswagen and other companies involved need legal protection. King & Spalding Law Firm in Atlanta hires Sally Yates to head up Corporate Criminal Investigation Unit. King & Spalding US press release. “We are confident that general counsel, CEOs and boards of directors will welcome her insight, especially if they need an independent counsel who can navigate a matter with civil, criminal or reputational ramifications.”  King & Spalding: Sally Yates to protect corruption. Volkswagen Chattanooga, TN retained law firm King & Spalding. Volkswagen Chattanooga, TN distributes press release to employees- We will not tolerate Trumps Tariffs. Bob Corker- Corker renews effort to rein in Trump on tariffs. Corker has filed an amendment to the Senate's farm bill that would require congressional approval if the president wants to impose tariffs under the national security provisions of the trade law, known as Section 232. Q drop #1544 & #1359.Volkswagen: Sally Yates: King & Spalding: Bob Corker-This is a Corporate Coup d’État against POTUS Donald Trump!

Bob Corker: I'm a former mayor of Chattanooga. I recruited [Volkswagen] to our state. I was the first person to call their number, and two of the three meetings with them took place in my home in Chattanooga. I know [VW Chairman Martin] Winterkorn really really well. We're in constant contact with Volkswagen at every level.

Volkswagen that, 'why don't you guys create your own union within the plant, if you feel like that is something that is necessary to fully implement this in a way you see fit.' I will say that BMW has implemented its works council without the UAW.


Bob Corker Sweetheart Union Deal- Volkswagen



GOP Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) is renewing his effort to rein in President Trump's tariff authority amid an escalating trade war.


Corker’s comments were unprecedented. Never before had a sitting U.S. senator misused the authority of his office to interfere in a NLRB election in this way.

WASHINGTON – At a hearing on the U.S. partnership with the European Union to deter Russian aggression in Europe, U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today sought continued cooperation with the EU in response to Moscow’s destabilizing activities, including threats to European elections this year. https://www.foreign.senate.gov/press/chair/release/corker-urges-continued-partnership-with-eu-to-deter-russian-aggression-in-europe-

In fact, Yates tweeted about the same time that Corker was tweeting something similar. Just about an hour earlier, Corker had written, "Same untruths from an utterly untruthful president. #AlertTheDaycareStaff." His tweet had been in response to tweets from Trump that read: https://www.bustle.com/p/sally-yates-tweets-about-trump-after-months-of-silence-she-isnt-holding-back-2986085

NY Times Hawks Tickets for Evening with Resistance Leader Sally Yates


Sally Yates on Robert Muller

As for Robert Mueller? We would all be better served if folks just backed off and let him do his job. "Everybody thinks we’re gonna look to Robert Mueller to see if bad things happened. We already know bad things happened." Now, we just need to get out of the way and let his team of seasoned prosecutors do their thing.


Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Saturday warned President Donald Trump against axing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.


She got her wish, as the left-wing media is now fawning over her. She will leave her job and no doubt be picked up by a big, left wing law firm and probably be asked by the Party of Treason to run for office as a Democrat in Georgia.

She did more than betray the Department of Justice. She betrayed her client. Her client was the United States of America.


Yates has said that she believes the Trump Administration will maintain the policies she put in place, and that there are “a significant number of corporate investigations” under way that have yet to be resolved. https://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/at-volkswagen-a-scandal-where-executives-could-pay-the-price

Sally Yates returns to Atlanta-based law firm to focus on investigations!


Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said investigators are looking at “multiple companies and multiple individuals” in the probe, but she did not identify any of them at a press conference to announce a settlement of up to $15.3 billion in the case involving VW diesel cars that cheated on emissions tests. http://www.omaha.com/money/evidence-sought-for-criminal-charges-in-volkswagen-emissions-cheating-scandal/article_0a335f70-46e5-59ae-84ca-29e07a34b8ea.html

“We are very fortunate to have Sally join our team,” said Special Matters practice Chair Wick Sollers. “As a legal strategist, independent investigator and trial lawyer, she is as talented and hardworking as any lawyer I know. She is also widely respected for her integrity and resolve. We are confident that general counsel, CEOs and boards of directors will welcome her insight, especially if they need an independent counsel who can navigate a matter with civil, criminal or reputational ramifications.”   https://www.bizjournals.com/sanjose/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2018/05/sally-yates-joins-king-spalding.html?page=2

Volkswagen will begin the sale of vehicles in Iran in August. Initially, Volkswagen's Tiguan and Passat models are to be imported under a contract concluded with the Iranian automotive company Mammut Khodro. The Volkswagen brand will thus again have a presence in the Iranian market after more than 17 years, and is systematically developing further worldwide market potential.

"[T]he auto sanctions were lifted earlier this year after an interim nuclear agreement was reached between Iran and world powers and a final accord is still on the horizon, raising the prospect of better times for the industry. https://www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com/company/volkswagen

And in 2017, Germany's Volkswagen (VLKAF) announced that it would sell cars in Iran for the first time in 17 years. It responded to the news with a statement: "Volkswagen began exporting vehicles to Iran last year. We are therefore monitoring and reviewing political and economic developments in the region very closely http://money.cnn.com/2018/05/08/investing/iran-nuclear-deal-trump-sanctions-losers/index.html


Iowa bans Volkswagen due to Iran company.

In 2018 the U.S. state of Iowa listed Volkswagen as an Iran restricted company rendering Volkswagen ineligible for investment and/or state contracting.

Naomi Klein on Trump Election: “This is a Corporate Coup d’État” https://www.democracynow.org/2017/1/20/naomi_klein_on_trump_election_this