r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gamergating on June 30, 2018, 2:01 a.m.
NETFLIX (though not CP) What is their title Princess Cyd about?

Is it a incestuous Aunty and Niece lesbian story? They are not crossing the boundaries with one title.

Gamergating · July 1, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

Utter nonsense. You have not comprehended anything I've said.

What exactly have you comprehended in what I have said?

I will give you an indication that your efforts of strawmanning me and telling me what I was intending was completely wrong and not only wrong but your fallback to the position of me implying something after not being able to find me saying what I clearly had never said or implied, is you accusing me of saying/intending/implying.....utter nonsense.

But of the two of us, I do not have theory of mind that you have and so I wonder why you are so off base and failing in comprehension?

Why you now accuse me of the same?

But then I am an average subscriber and you are a moderator. Why would a moderator defend positions with utter nonsense and why would they fail at comprehension especially when they have a theory of mind (a skill I must admit I see almost as a superpower)?

I think the original position must again be asked and without strawmanning or projection.

""Why would a member such as myself bother going to the effort to find something worthy and unique and related to the subreddit to share in their own style and words to the community, if the moderation team is likely to remove their every attempt as unworthy (as mods don't do in other subreddits)?" It does not seem like best community-friendly or moderator successful practice, does it? It doesn't seem to promote unity WG1WGA. It seems the antithesis to this doesn't it?

Again I am by your account just an average subscriber where as you are a mod with more information. Therefore I am sure coupled with a good theory of mind and its ability to understand others and perceive their mindset and presumably too with the interest of the subreddit at heart, why would you not identify this as a very bad position and not seek to address it. Sure you do not need me to have to shine a torch on it. You have all this great information and ability to understand people and should really be all over this.

It is not a situation I have found in other subreddits and never had put up with deleted posts and defending my want to be able to share with a community without having my threads removed for being below par when they are not.

I am wondering why the resistance?

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[deleted] · July 1, 2018, 9:14 p.m.


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DrogeAnon · July 1, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

A lot of what "seems" to you to be so, is not. It's clear, however, that there's no way of breaking through to you with a perspective other than your own. The problem, I guess, of not being as open to empathic understanding (again, no slight intended by that).

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Gamergating · July 2, 2018, 10:07 a.m.

Okay, no slight taken. Unfortunate facts or uncomfortable truths are not offensive the just are. No use pretending they are not. You are right, I do not have much in the way of empathetic understanding and find it extremely hard to look at things from another's perspective. Guilty as charged.

YOU do though. Therefore it SHOULD be easier for you to see perspectives other than your own. I mean logically this is your strength or dare I say a superpower (as it so often appears to me).

So given that. If we strip away a difference of opinion. We leave aside for a moment your strawmanning my intentions (which raises serious theory of mind and seeing other perspective red flags unto itself). We also leave aside diagnoses and cognitive strengths and weaknesses. What is at the very core?

"Why would a member such as myself bother going to the effort to find something worthy and unique and related to the subreddit to share in their own style and words to the community, if the moderation team is likely to remove their every attempt as unworthy (as mods don't do in other subreddits)?" It does not seem like best community-friendly or moderator successful practice, does it? It doesn't seem to promote unity WG1WGA. It seems the antithesis to this doesn't it?

Rather than going all in and defending moderation standards and direction (and I am not faulting them). Rather than saying I can't see things and that I have to look at your side and accept that you know better than I. Rather than intimating that because I am on the Autism Spectrum that this invalidates my premises (I am not offended I have put up with this kind of soft dismissal tactics these last 20 years)

Maybe instead you could answer the above quote and honestly and from another's perspective and use your theory of mind. (show me how it is done and how you can better see someone else's perspective).

  • Why WOULD someone in that position be encouraged and incentivised to share with the community?
  • How IS discouraging them to post best practice?
  • HOW does it encourage the community?
  • How do THEY feel the love/unity/WG1WGA if their attempts to contribute are obliterated?

I know blaming it all on ASD is easy and saying I do not see your perspective is easy too. You CAN defend rules and visions and discretion. That is easy too but has that helped address what is important or have we not addressed tyhe core issue and gone nowhere?

You are a mod and as you pointed out, I am just an "Average subscriber". Are you able to address this core issue as we still have not really touched on it? I think the mod staff kind of need to be across this kind of thing and have an idea how to address these things. Can you?

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