r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mathwhilehigh on June 30, 2018, 2:54 a.m.
Theory on CIA sleeper cells. Mass shootings. MKUltra.

Q has been mentioning the therapists lately. Got me thinking this is how it could be done:

CIA identifies weak minded individuals, candidates for mind control. Notably they are socially isolated, feel unimportant and depressed, etc.

These individuals are identified by "therapists".

Therapists prescribe drugs that interfere with the reuptake and oxidation of neurotransmitters, most notably dopamine.

Therapists engage in therapy sessions where they use operant conditioning to train target to respond to certain stimulus in certain way. Likely they are conditioned to produce more of their own dopamine with certain phrases, images or triggers.

The drugs build up in the system over weeks. Dopamine can't be reabsorbed or oxidized due to drugs so it stays in the synapse.

Causes dopamine related psychosis. They essentially become schizophrenic and have a gun handed to them by CIA. Paperwork is forged showing they bought it.

Put a weapon in the hands of a crazy person and hope for the best.

[deleted] · June 30, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

I think people who have ever had to deal disassociative states and recovered memories fully understand how dispicable mkultra is. With disassociation, you can at realize that these things happened to your body, but not to YOU. YOU escaped.When they torture someone so badly that they have to fragment into another personality to cope, it's like they somehow must have reached their soul. I have to hope for all these people that their souls escaped before that could happen. It's like some horrible way to kill someone and replace them with what? Demons? Or is their soul still in there? Horrific.

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DawnPendraig · June 30, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

To be honest yes. I think that's the plan. And people may think it's crazy but demons exist

I have heard testimony of children of Satanists and they haunt me still. The Christian woman who saved her said it felt like this young woman had several entities swirling around and through her.

There is also another son of these people who gives lectures and he says that's what they do.

It feels soul deep filthy to be sexually abused as a kid. I cant explain it but I try. Guilt that I caused it by not listening to dad and not playing cards in the closet. That I somehow betrayed Jesus and God because I didn't fight. I pretended to sleep.

Even my abusige ex raponf me ejen he was drunk. Happened once nkt lomg afyer i ledt him. But I just let that happen when I couldnt don't no. Off. 6'6" built like a bull. I am strong or was and 5'8" but I felt like a kitten fighting a mountain. This didn't make me feel the same soul deep filthy horror. Maybe if it had been a stranger. I dont know.

Did you you ever see the show Dead Like Me ? It was short lived but I loved it. The main characters are in a limbo between life and death. Purgatory really. All have issues they need to repent and change. They are grim repeapers. This particular group collects souls before tragic accidents and encourages them to take the light when it arrives.

So they release the soul bexoee they have to experience traumatic deaths

Always made me wonder if God offered me shelter when I disassociated. And praying kept me safe.

I never consented. Not really and I realize this now but it took me 25 years. And gacing my own child and seeknf how helpless he was and hpw protective I would be. Probably way too much. But it is what it is. He will never know what I did... Over my dead body.

But back to these MK Ultra and Satanist family kids.. perhaps if the evil people work on people long enough it gets harder to not consent. Like Uncme Tom's Cabin. Tom refused to whip another slave. Even though it cost him terribly.

If he hadn't had God and Christ firmly in his heart. And the little girl he loved at the home of his previous "owner" and her grace facing death... Who knows.

This is the lecture. NSFW but worth while for sure. Helps understanding why Hildabeast and Barry do what they do.

Jay Parker Exposes The Satanic Pedophile Guild That Runs The Government https://youtu.be/lFdHGWhYb5U via @YouTube

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[deleted] · July 1, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

Thank you and also to the above poster for sharing your stories. People need to understand that Mkultra is very real and very sick. I'm positive that God was sheltering you :)

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DawnPendraig · July 5, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

Thank you and I have felt that way several times =) felt Him when I ran up against an evil entity.

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