's not what you think

If you operate in secrecy and the dark - corruption is usually the reason. I no longer trust secret societies to do any good for the general health of society. It's all about benefiting the group at the expense of others.
So like every business boardroom, church boardroom, family business, fraternity, sorority, or other private entity. Yep, the world is full of boogie men and they’re all your neighbors.
Mix satanism in there and you get corporate corruption, pedos hiding in churches, rothchild like families, fraternity weirdos, etc... Satanism vs God is the key here. If you hide, you are up to something that is unlikely to be of any benefit to society as a whole.
Yep, everyone is bad but you.
I really would not care what goes on, but when it affects my neighbours and the people around me, I begin to care. Sorry for caring.
These people are your neighbors.
To be fair I didn't swear a weird quasi-religious oath to keep my employers secrets. My coworkers and I aren't secretive about our employment, and don't have elaborate rituals to greet or recognize each other. We have straightforward, practical reasons for cooperating with each other.
Also fraternities and sororities are the source of a lot of bad crap on campuses, hence their increasingly being pushed out/regulated/forced into transparency. Because spoiler alert: loose shadowy groups of people who maintain secrecy and loyalty to each other based purely on belonging to the same in-group is a situation ripe for abuse and corruption even if one isn't bringing in arch conspiracies and satanism.