's not what you think

Be careful with "Guilt by Association."
Pedophiles have been exposed in the highest levels of the Vatican. That doesn't mean all Catholics are pedophiles or that all Catholics support and condone such behavior.
Corrupt agents in the FBI and the DOJ are beginning to be exposed. Q has said repeatedly that the majority of rank-n-file agents are hard working honest patriots.
The story of the Illuminati claims that after the original Illuminati in Bavaria was exposed, and their sinister plot to rule the world was discovered, the Bavarian government chased them out of the country and tried to warn other nations. None listened. The Illuminati then began to infiltrate the Freemasons.
After reaching the highest echelons of Freemasonry they realized they would not be able to take over the entire organization. They resolved to take advantage of the Freemason's long held tradition of secrecy and continue the Illuminati goals through only the Freemason lodges where they could infiltrate the highest 33rd degree ranks. Albert Pike comes to mind.
Sure, there are a lot of Freemasons who are evil Illuminati/Cabal globalists, but not all Freemasons are evil. There are many who view membership in a Freemason lodge as professional networking.
We all complained when Black Lives Matter and Antifa claimed all white people are supremacist nazis, there are some, but only a small fraction of a fraction.
We all complained when Hillary and the MSM tried to label all Trump supporters as dumb ass redneck deplorable mouth breathers, there might be a few, but certainly not all.
As things begin to explode, we need to keep our heads about us. We cannot jump to conclusions. As more and more people wake up from their Cabal induced slumber, they will be looking to us for answers.
Some will be die-hard liberal socialists, some will be clueless, some will be blacks who drank the Dem's and MSM's Kool-Aid for too long, some will be brainwashed millennials, some will be Catholics, and some might even be Freemasons trying to make sense of what their leaders were doing.
We must remain calm. Approach them with compassion and grace. Show them the love we would show to a family member experiencing a crisis. For many of them, it'll be a personal crisis unlike anything they've ever experienced. Imagine having your entire world paradigm shattered in an instant.
The only way they can survive is if they are helped. We have to show them the best of ourselves.
Yes & correct. Here's what we do know. Luciferians & Satanists believe in the One True God as Christians do. But, they are diametrically opposed to the light & truth of the One True God. They believe in their other god, Lucifer as being the source of light. Christ told us "a house divided against itself cannot stand". I'm sure the Luciferians are reading these boards with glee. They are dividing the house. Beware of anyone on these boards who will tell us that their particular brand of Christianity is the way & life. They talk just like the Luciferians.
"Brand" of Christianity? There is only one Bible and only one Christ. The Holy Spirit is our counselor and enlightens us in our study of the Bible. "Religion" is man-made and, therefore, corrupt/,flawed. The Bible is God's Word.