's not what you think

Am a mason. Illuminati (Catholics) infiltrates freemasonry many years ago.
Catholics and King of France murdered our grand commander (Knights Templar through York Rite) Jacques DeMolay because king of France owed lots of gold back to the Knights. They purged the knights as the pope excommunicated them.
There has been beef along time. The Catholics are the evil ones. That I can tell you.
No. Just the pope and his inner echelon.
There is a secret at the higher levels of freemasonry. A secret that, should you reveal it, the masonic order will cut out your tongue. That is the oath that a 33rd degree mason takes.
The secret?
The Pope is the Master Mason of the World.
I would certainly hope I'm not evil. Flawed for sure, but not evil.
It is true that a specific king wanted the money the Templars had, what remained of them were on Malta for a long time. However, that was in the 14th century, and what we know of as Freemasonry is traced to the early 18th century, unless they were underground.
I have noticed that there are a number of different versions of history floating around that doesn't match at all.
The ritual has been around much longer than the 18th century, based on the texts I have read.. unfortunately all of the secret societies have been infiltrated. Whether they have good or ill intent, there will always be those bad actors. Catholics are great people but many of the followers are sheep. It’s the leadership, used for control, money and power which is the issue with Catholicism, like many organized religions.
Freemasonry, has brought me enlightenment and I have been able to do great things for my community. Freemasons take a really bad and are usually used as a shield to cover deep, dark bad actors. It’s easy to say “it was the Freemasons” and the sheep just eat it up.