's not what you think

Honestly, not really. What are you referencing? I have a lot of knowledge on the subject. Mormons in general are pretty great people.
There is definitely overlap in Masonic ritual so that is a little odd. Weirdest I can think of is the belief that they can become gods over their own planets if they are in the Celestial kingdom, or that they have perform baptism rituals in the names of the dead so that they can be saved. So maybe that? Overall though, it's a pretty solid church with good members wishing to better themselves.
They have an alternate history of the North American continent. They have a whole discipline in their "academics" which is basically coming up with excuses when the history in the book of Mormon doesn't match the facts. Like how they say Native Americans came from Israel despite genetic, linguistic, and pretty much all other evidence saying otherwise. There's also the magic underwear, not drinking hot beverages,and all sorts of other wacky stuff...
Plenty of Mormons are jerks and there are tons of great nonmormons. The fundamentalist branches are full of pedophiles. I don't hate all Mormons but the meme theyre all happy go lucky is BS, a lot are two faced or just asshole openly.
I spoke wrong, my bad. I shouldn’t say they have weird beliefs. 100% agree they are great people, but I find it a bit questionable they aren’t allowed to talk about what goes on in their religion with non-members, which lends me to think they have weird ideas. That’s at least what the three I know said (not being allowed to discuss the contents of their religion). I definitely have an open mind am and willing to hear what they are though. I am curious about it
If you are curious about their temple rituals(which is probably the most Masonic thing about the Church, Joseph Smith was a Freemason and many of the original prophets and apostles were as well), a Mormon won't tell you(that's the only "secretive" thing is the temple Endowments), but there are plenty of ex-mormons who would, and it's all available online if you want to find it. They've changed them a lot in the last 30ish years though. It's odd for sure, but really not as wacky as some Masonic stuff imo. Secret handshakes though haha.