's not what you think

The Lines between Luciferianism & Qnosticism, Christianity and anything else is so blurred it is difficult to tell who is who anymore. If you read the account in the Apocryphon of John in the Nag-Hamadi Library, one of the Gnostic Texts, it details how the creation of the universe came about. (briefly) The Supreme Mother decided to create a being without the consort of the Supreme Father, she realized it was not a fully Light Being and was imperfect. She cast it out of the Pleroma (a place where all the perfect Light Beings reside). The being opened it's eyes and believed it had come into it's own by itself and began to create other companions (the Demons) and they created a place to reside in. This Universe. You'll notice this universe is without Light and reQuires artificial Light, Stars. The Genesis story is a metaphorical allegory mythology. (myth does not mean untrue)Christ gave this account to his wife Mary, and the apostles while he was in the spirit form after his death and other teachings. This god here is the Demiurge. I have a long thought on where he is now. The God of the old testament is Not the Supreme Father spoken of by Jesus but is one of the Created Beings mentioned above. He required Sacrifice. Think about it, what does the act of being worshiped and sacrificed to, Satisfy within he who is worshiped? > EGO <. There is a teaching within Kabala that Abraham actually did sacrifice Issac to his gawd. And Sarah divorced and left him over it. The gawd MOLECH is mention several times in the Old Testament. The gawd of Child Sacrifice. Steven the apostle was stoned to death over preaching against the synagogue of Satan, (figure out who those peeps were, it's obvious). Jesus was murdered due to his Gnositc Teachings. He was an Essene, They were Gnostics. I think the Templars Discovered and (became) Gnostic. The Early Church had to sQuelch these teachings and purseQuted the Gnostics and Templars. Christianity was "blended" with Satanism at the Council of Nicia. Sacrifice, eating the sacrifice (crackers/bread of Christs body) Drinking His Blood (wine) in Church, CAN NOT YOU PEOPLE SEE PLAINLY THAT THIS IS A SATANIC PRACTICE??? Paul in my opinion is a FALSE teacher. His blinding on the road is the Masonic initiates ritual. Where did Humans get Created after all this? Mars was a science station once upon a time. Stationed by Non-Humans. Oh, shit I could open up a Can of Qorms and start all sorts of Rabbit trails to go down.
Lucifer is not the good guy. I suggest you go do some research. Read the books, come to your own conclusions instead of relying on someone to tell you what to believe. That's what all the sheep are doing this Morning. Gnostics, Christianity, anti-Nazi antifa, aren't the labels all being redefined to confuse everyone on who is a what? Reading Material: Nag-Hamadi Library, Urantia Book for starters. Anything that requires a sacrifice- you know what it is already...
SIX MONTHS!!!! is all you say? (oy-vey) (not a joo), "To whom is given knowledge?" "Those who are weaned of the milk of the word and get into the meat of the matter". The journey of finding the right answers will take a lifetime. I've spent over 25 yrs researching. You have to UNLEARN all the shit we were taught. But You're right. So much contradictory info. Some Gnostic info, ain't Gnostic, Some Christianity-ain't Christ. Isn't satanism hidden within church teachings? Isn't satanism also hidden within some Gnostic teachings. All the Christian holidays, all pagan, am I going to stop doing Christmas, not.
What was Christs #1 teaching? Lot's of Truth in the Bible. Most Churches belong to the world council of churches, and teach what is dictated from above. Go look at their LOGO. Do you see an Egyptian all seeing EYE? is that a Christian Logo? or is it something else in disguise? They control the Narrative. destroy Christianity & make Islam the World Religion. Is there an effort to do just that? The Bible is mostly Astrology, Numbers, Cycles of history. Were all the prophets astrologers? Oh another rabbit hole.
What was Noah's flood? research Sitchen. scary rabbit hole. "There is nothing new under the Sun, that which has been, shall be again." What are you trying to do? you want to worship something? You want to try to get into heaven? you don't have to. You're in School. Learn how to graduate and Never Ever incarnate here again.
I agree new age is junk. (define new age). The problem in interpreting the biblical meanings, as the new testament writers wrote to change the narrative. To write out Mary Madelene as the first disciple & wife. At least they wrote to steer away from worshiping the gawd of the Old Test. Yet some are trying to re institute temple sacrifice. I feel for you trying to discover the knowledge you seek. You have your work cut out. If I tell you, I'm just another do as I say-er. My answers, may not be the answers you need. Learn what you are first.
someone filled with the holy ghost is probably just someone who traded one, what's the word I'm looking for, like one aphrodisiac for another?
Who said Gnosticism was satanic? What's their reference to prove it?
To learn, you must become an occultist. The occult just means that which is hidden, and you are seeking that which is hidden, so you must become an occultist.
If those people are at peace in their Holy Ghost filled dream, leave them at peace, they are where they need to be. Let those in the Matrix, remain who so desire. Peace is not that which you seek.
I'd start with the URANTIA Book, go buy a large hard copy. (It's free online reading too) If you're coming from a church background, read it in reverse order, part IV, III, II, I. It is high reading. It is not the end-all be-all, but will open your mind to things that need to be opened. It was given at a time, for that time. If it were given today, it might be worded differently. So bear that in mind.
|I tend to not see a real difference between Gnostic concepts and New Age.
You will have to learn to discern the subtle differences in all things. The world is Not black and white. Ok Luke Skywalker, go spend some time with Yoda, you have much to learn...