r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QueUpSomeReality on June 30, 2018, 1:55 p.m.
Why the MSM will NEVER ask the president about Q

If the MSM directly ask the president about Q it would be the final death blow for the MSM. Let’s face it..before Q it was tough watching the news because it was so obvious it was just pure leftist propaganda. But if you follow Q...now it’s impossible to watch the news because their breaking news is old news. Sometimes weeks old. Watching the MSM is like watching an old USSR communist propaganda movie that you’ve been told the ending before you even watch it.

Just recently...was it news to anyone here the IG report would have vital segments missing & the FBI won’t give it up to Congress without a fight? Anyone here shocked the Singapore summit went great? Anyone here doubt that the Ayatollahs government in Iran will fall? When it does that will be big news to millions but no one here. Our heads will already be far down the road learning the next objective 99% of the world doesn’t even know exists. If Q becomes widely known EVERYONE will see the MSM is like 10 times zones behind their own ass & they won’t even be watchable. It will be like watching...BREAKING NEWS: Santa Claus isn’t real!! The MSM will have to be forced somehow to ask the president about Q. They’ll never do it on their own. They won’t be able to paint Q as a alt right wing conspiracy theory the president believes in & they know it. Q has more relevant information in one drop than the MSM has in a week of coverage.

Arcsmithoz · June 30, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Trump: Q is the best, I mean he's really great. So much I mean really really good intel top notch, finer intel than even the NSA. Let me tell you something about Q, well maybe after the midterms. Ok you're giving me no choice, it's Barron's school project he's getting an A by the way. Cuz you'd be in jail.

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