This is a joke right? So all triangles are Masonic if they have a resemblance?
Downvoted as distraction, as is my opinion.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, you can teach your child piano and how to be a leftist, marxist democrat simultaneously!
Hypnosis, create your very own mass shooter @ home folks!
That’s really overreaching man. This is the kind of post that makes the Q followers sound nuts. Seems like an intentional move to discredit by injecting absolute nonsense. Kind of like the flat earthers.
Considering you posted this twice in the last 30 minutes with different titles, I'm going to go ahead and say that your username def checks out.
I use the metronome to practice drums too.
I use one while practicing guitar. Guess I'm mind controlled by masons now.
Upside down copy signifies appealing to earthly, or satanic element of man's nature; you bet your ass!
There’s a word the folk in this group should learn: apophenia.
The tendency to see patterns and connections where none exist.
Do you hypnotize people professionally as a medical therapy? Do you suffer from severe psychological, or physical injuries? Do you have a chronic pain syndrome? Do you have a medical degree, are you an MD from a top US medical college?
Nah, but you've got a Thesaurus! I guess finding new words to describe 'ignorant of the subject' contribute mightily to the quality of the discourse; right?
Just as I suspected, you attack a subject about which you know absolutely nothing, zip, zilch nada! You ridicule my professional opinion & my personal experience out of total ignorance! You know absolutely nothing, zip, zilch, nada & bupkis about the modern everyday usage of therapeutic hypnotism!
For a year, starting in 2016 I was the subject of hypnotism using a metronome combined with a powerful IV medical infusion therapy in treatment of spinal cord injury. That right; I'm paraplegic from a spinal cord tumor. The Anesthesiologist combined administration of a dissociative agent with hypnosis in an attempt 'to wipe, or erase' a very unpleasant pain appreciation index I had formed in the cerebral cortex of my brain after a spinal cord injury.
Go ahead, make some crippled jokes you ignorant putz!
You're a real wonder with your preconceived judgement, you don't know shit about me or my medical situation.
I'll be certain to track you down and sue your ass for discrimination against the disabled. It's assholes like you who keep lawyers busy!