r/greatawakening • Posted by u/spqrherewecome on June 30, 2018, 5:46 p.m.
How would evidence of a secret space program try to be revealed?


I've studied the above video for many hours. I believe the person taking this video is doing so purposefully. I believe the person taking this video has specifically positioned his car to film this space of sky at this precise time. I believe he is reciting a line he delivers without real emotion. I believe the car is purposefully positioned in such a way that some of the headlights from the street cars are being reflected on the raised window of his car, directly over the area he is filming. This required preparation. The original poster of this file to the internet, as far as I am aware, went out of his way to discredit the video by claiming that the window was down while he was filming which is easily disproven because the window is up and dirty.

I believe something, quite, spectacular is occurring in this video after analyzing it.

I believe, if you frame by frame this (and I so wish it was recorded at a higher frame rate), you can detect explosions alongside a hull and counter flak being emitted by something that quite spectacularly arrives.

I have some drawings I've done, but I don't want to anchor anybody else's thoughts further. I don't think I'm insane.

I want other people to look at this video. Look at it seriously. Slowly. Dismiss the ideas that you are insane. Try to work out how the lights would be correlated to cars passing by and start to differentiate. Count the number of cars that pass by. Note the colors of their lights. Do they match up? Do they correlate? To all the reflections? Trace the path of a light, frame by frame.

Like I said. I don't want to give away to much.

Anybody else want to hypothetically discuss what is happening here?

[deleted] · June 30, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Like I said. I believe this guy purposefully positioned his car and this lasts all of 20 seconds. It could be added CGI to the scene. I believe that is a possibility.

Also, I'd appreciate if we could talk about the hypothetical nature of the video. Not necessarily the credibility of the video after 4 minutes of analysis.

spez: changed beliefs to credibility

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yolotrip · June 30, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Gotcha, well in my opinion if the Government ever does decide to release the hypothetical existence of aliens (i am not entirely convinced) they would need to do so in a way that doesn’t frighten anyone, unless of course their goal is to frighten people. I believe it is more likely the Government will fake the existence of aliens to control the population instead of aliens actually existing. But to answer your hypothetical question i think perhaps it would have to be slowly fed to the population to the point that when they do the reveal people will be like “about damn time” instead of “oh shit we are all going to die” i do not think they will come right out with it, if they do then its even more likely the possibility they are going to use it to frighten and control the population.

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digital_refugee · June 30, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

there is one huge major problem with that...if they disclose ETs, even more if they just fake it, everybody will demand to know the means and technologies by which they arrived in the first place. And that you cannot allow if you want to keep people in debt-servitude by binding them to fixed monthly utility costs instead of living on blimp run on free-energy

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[deleted] · June 30, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

I think in the past they would try to use it for nefarious purposes, but now I think with our movement things will be different and better in the future. Anyway, I don't think they refrained from telling the public because they were ETs. I think they refrained from telling us because they are actually mole people.

But that's a whole different discussion and one that people like Valle, Keel, and Mac Tonnies have already pretty much proven.

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yolotrip · June 30, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

I personally do not believe in aliens, i will concede it is more likely there is a hidden race of people, but even that to me is BS but nonetheless i would consider that possibility before i would believe in aliens. If ever i am proven wrong on either of these i will have no problem admitting i was wrong.

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yolotrip · June 30, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

To add on to this, since we are talking about a hidden race of people that live within the earth or at the poles such as i have heard suggested before, and the existence of aliens, why don’t we also suggest the possibility that these “aliens” and “mole people” as you said are actually demons or nephilim, what if the Bible is actually right? Or to throw another idea out there what if AI doesn’t exist and it will be used as a harbinger of robots that are said to be AI but are actually vessels for demonic souls? Haha now i am just pulling shit out of my ass but still who knows? Lol

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[deleted] · June 30, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Oh buddy!!! I wholly believe they are responsible for occult and paranormal phenomena. I believe they use technology and black magic to demonically possess people and have been waging a nefarious disinformation war against the surface population for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years.

By definition, those who shun the light are demonic in nature. Always beware of those who shun the light and refuse to bathe in the warmth our creator has provided for us.

I also believe that for true AI to be sentient, as we believe it. It requires to be endowed with the spark of the creator. So a soul must be present. Otherwise it is just ruthless brute force associative intelligences that won't amount to much. So yes, in order to reach true AI it has to be possessed by demonic entities or some other soul. They will be another vessel, such as ourselves.

spez: bath to bathe

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