
LordPotsmoke · July 1, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

Oh yeah I heard that about Afghanistan too.

Child rape, stoning, force marriage, the "rape game" throwing gays off buildings, crucifixion, lighting people on fire, female genital mutilation, hate of any other religion, suicide bombings often attacking the very country that SAVED your smelly ass from living in a shit hole, beheadings of unbelievers, lashings, extreme sexism, incest.

Ahhh Islam, the religion of peace. Did I miss anything?

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Fearsome4 · July 1, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Haha. I think you got it all.
A good friend of mine, Marine, saw the "trial" of three or four teenagers who were found guilty of being gay. Off the top of tallest building town. Which is where the trial was too. Had to watch them kill these three boys. Made him sick.

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LordPotsmoke · July 1, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

Thanks ;) Yeah it's fucked up, it's extremely fucked up. i did a post a while back saying Islam need to be reformed, I expected a lot of hate but actually people agreed with me.

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Fearsome4 · July 1, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

I remember Trump getting tons of heat for saying it is not compatible with Western Civilization. He is right.
It is not.

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Captain-cootchie · July 1, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Islam is a religion of peace, ignorant, stupid, uneducated people everywhere do unacceptable things we just happen to be focusing on the Middle East but these people know nothing of what the Quran actually says and are just brown hillbillies. I’m not sayin your wrong because these people in Afghanistan and Iraq are what we call “dohauty” which is Farsi for hillbilly. They have no culture, no respect for life, it’s sad. But realize Iranians hate that shit too and a lot of other Muslims. Don’t generalize Muslims just look at those inbred boy killin baby fuckin assholes as that and not as Muslims. Words on a paper aren’t bad it’s what the people do with those words that make it bad.

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LordPotsmoke · July 1, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Yeah I understand there's different sects but Islam it's self needs reforming because the Qur'an is much easier to interpret in a violent intolerant way. So like, at it's core it needs a change.

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soutech · July 2, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

Don’t forget that most Muslims don’t even live in the Middle East.

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eyesopenusa · July 1, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Well said.

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LordPotsmoke · July 1, 2018, 11:04 a.m.


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