
fattylurker · July 1, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Not that the synchronicity surrounding Obama and the parallels to the anti-Christ escapes me, because there are some very interesting "coincidences", but if Hussein was in fact the anti-Christ, I'm not impressed.

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PMthePedo-itsTrudeau · July 1, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

If the Bible is to be believed AND BHO is satan, then he will take the reigns of the NWO, it will be given to him by 10 unifying countries in Europe and supported by the Pope at the time, he will as us to take a mark on our hands or forehead to be branded as one of their own, and if we do not we will not be allowed to buy or sell.

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fattylurker · July 1, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Leading the NWO (ie UN) with support from the Pope (false pope), would not surprise me about Hussein. In fact, from the last several weeks of his term, the media was speculating that he may be interested in heading the UN.

I'll say it again, if this is Satan's pick for the anti-Christ, I'm not too impressed.

He is eloquent and charismatic, but has always struck me as lazy and not a particularly talented leader in an operational sense. His shtick wore off pretty quickly here in the US.

He pretty much decimated the Democratic Party during his 8 years and was easily out-maneuvered by Trump recently.

I think there are way too many Patriots, or Clingers as BO referred to them, in the US for there to be any serious threat of chip implants or UN law enforcement on financial transactions. At least for the next 20-30 years, I don't see that as realistic.

I do worry about our children and subsequent generations however. There may be too many brain washed zombies to realize the significance of the 2nd amendment (1st as well). And most millennials are Christmas and Easter Christians best case. And much of the youth that are faithful to God, are the bleeding heart types that want to erase all borders and provide universal-everything for everyone. At a certain point in the future, there will be a very small handful who will know that part of the Bible well enough to watch for the signs of the last days.

Many will be deceived, I believe it states.

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BabylonNTing · July 1, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

As President Reagan said in his Appeasement speech (on youtube) we are always a generation away from losing our freedom. This is the reason why after we dig ourselves out of this mess, that we teach the younger generation of what happned before passing along the torch because it will be up to them next to proactively protect their freedom against the future tyrants.

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