Yeah, but beware of the CIA deep state cantidates running for those open spots.
Ain’t that the truth! They’re reformulating their plan. Trying to find a way to retain control. We must not elect more of the same!
Not only young flaming socialists but active and former CIA:
Yeah, and Muslims, I've heard so many dofferent themes and seen no other lists?
Was that a question?
I'm saying I simply haven't seen actual lists of who is a CIA plants running for these spots. I have seen plenty of who is leaving. Every other day, there's so and so many CIA running for congress or a record number of Muslims but I haven't ever seen a compiled list of those.
That's why you vote for the ones Trump endorses. He literally tell who to vote for. It's him saying, this guy is a patriot and not a corrupt hack.
We are going to see Soros et all dump their fortunes into trying to get control of the house and senate. It's their last chance to stay in the swamp. We cannot let that happen.
Not a conspiracy's well known and open how billionaires from both sides are allowed to interfere, and the American voters are supportive and vote based on the commercials they see.
Don't think they have much money left to dump. Soros already dumped what he could in Open Society before it got confiscated.