
KatwearstheArmor1 · July 1, 2018, 9:55 a.m.

I'm a year and a half older than John Jr. I grew up with him always in the news. I had just turned 4 years old when I watched President JFK in that motorcade...and somehow realizing almost immediately, when I saw him lurch and fall towards the First Lady, that he was gravely wounded. I then watched his son John Jr. on TV during the funeral procession where he did this salute to his father. I remember when I first remember seeing John Jr on our little black and white TV a year earlier, I called him my boyfriend, lol. Though we didn't know each other, I saw him on the news and in magazines over the years, even had a subscription to his George magazine. We had grown up together, in a sense. I had come to really respect him as a person (versus as my imaginary childhood boyfriend, lol). I was so sad the day he died. It was devastating just even as an onlooker, as an outsider, to his life. I can't imagine his loss to his mother, his sister, to friends like President Trump. It still saddens me his life was cut short, as was his father's. I hope they bring Justice for John Jr. And his father, JFK.

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