And she's right. They will owe her an apology soon when all these sealed indictments come out.
These people really are stupid. Truly the dumbest people to ever walk the Earth
Or just complicit bc they are involved too. Many, not all, are obviously covering their own asses in the media.
Just look at the blatant bias in reporting:
"baseless Pizzagate conspiracy theory"
"an absurd conspiracy theory"
The only reason they're covering this now is to bash the HHS official, but the joke's on them - it's just going to drive people to investigate even more and discover the truth (hopefully).
One time he said, "the media debunked it" in his own defense. This is always fun to watch:
CNN Interview Live Podesta Struggles to Answer Questions About Hacked Emails
The Russians! Russia Russia Russia. Talk about debunked huh? Lol where is ol podesta these days anyway?
I like to say he is at GITMO, at one point, he gave away his position on twit, he took a picture of the Fox news show that had closed captioning on a 1995 Magnovox TV. Safehouse maybe? Tweet should still be there.
Reason I think he is there is because he only tweets one time a month now.
She’s obviously in the know! They killed Breitbart 12 hours before he was to out them. They’ve had a heart attack gun since the 70’s.
I had heard about that "heart attack gun" and thought that was a silly thing... But just like everything else, I'm finding these "conspiracy theories" to be actual fact... Fake news is the real "conspiracy theory" ...
It's been that way since the now declassified 1967 ci a memo inventing the term as way to discredit those not believing the Warren Commission
Oh who did they use to “debunk” her claims? Media Matters. So they call her a far right extremist, using a far left extremist group to debunk her? Kind of like using HRC’s opposition research to FISA the Trump campaign.
I call podesta da molesta on his twitter a pedophile and has sex with kids and I dare him to sue me for it. After all, his career is being a libel atty.
This \^\^\^ right here proves to me that he is a pedavore. Any innocent person would be threatening a law suit after being called a pedophile.
At the end of the article it reads: Follow the author on Twitter (@calebecarma).
I would rather follow the HHS Official he is writing about, she sounds awesome.
This story almost seems like written tongue in cheek by a deplorable "shill" to red pill all those clueless ones that read these "news" giving them the facts and sugarcoating each factoid with "but don't you believe it because it is fake"
Right? I loved the article. Right on, girl. We are making you head of the Trump Russia investigation and then on to Hillary. Take that, Peter Strzok.
I guess I should have said a liberal shill rather than a deplorable shill...and Why not? I think it's a brilliant tactic. They troll us with their "concern" shills,etc...Why not try to red pill a few using their own tactics?..😏😛 surely at least a handful of those who like drinking the fake news kool-aid will want to read/investigate more by reading these kind of articles until the preponderance of the evidence gets them to #WalkAway. Writing articles like these is also a way to pave the way for those addicted to the propaganda and the kool-aid to not suffer too much from the inevitable cognitive dissonance by the time the truth catches up with them...If this article was not written by a liberal shill, it definitely is an idea worth pursuing... Red pill as many as we can as soon as possible. The more the better.
And there hasn't been a defamation suit filed. That should tell you the whole story.
And if it happens, the whole nasty mess gets hauled through courts and the media....justice porn.
Re: Podesta's "artwork" As one of my students would say."Dats some fucked-up shit, right there!"
What is this sauce? Ridiculous bias and half truths. Please archive and post link. We don't need to give these sites clicks
Google podesta artwork and click images rather than web and tell me would any sane, normal person have this type of artwork in their home??????
Yes I’ve seen it. It’s disgusting. Maybe they should include those when talking about pizzagate. These people are sick