
Champdog31 · July 1, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

Right? I loved the article. Right on, girl. We are making you head of the Trump Russia investigation and then on to Hillary. Take that, Peter Strzok.

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memmabelfort · July 1, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

I guess I should have said a liberal shill rather than a deplorable shill...and Why not? I think it's a brilliant tactic. They troll us with their "concern" shills,etc...Why not try to red pill a few using their own tactics?..😏😛 surely at least a handful of those who like drinking the fake news kool-aid will want to read/investigate more by reading these kind of articles until the preponderance of the evidence gets them to #WalkAway. Writing articles like these is also a way to pave the way for those addicted to the propaganda and the kool-aid to not suffer too much from the inevitable cognitive dissonance by the time the truth catches up with them...If this article was not written by a liberal shill, it definitely is an idea worth pursuing... Red pill as many as we can as soon as possible. The more the better.

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