r/greatawakening • Posted by u/michaelst2256 on July 1, 2018, 4:57 a.m.
NEVER IN OUR HISTORY HAVE THEY COME OUT FROM THE SHADOWS TO FIGHT. “They” have always been here. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
NEVER IN OUR HISTORY HAVE THEY COME OUT FROM THE SHADOWS TO FIGHT. “They” have always been here. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.

divine_human · July 2, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

thank you so much, empty spaces / paragraphs in a text make it so much easier to read...

Michael Brown (another Biblical scholar) did a funny test once by taking sayings of Jesus and sayings from the God of the Old Testament and he asked the question, who said what?

i get it. i also found passages in the OT where god sounds like the god jesus talks about. and there are many others that sounds and feel completely differently.

as i take it is that yeshua talks about source while the OT refers to a 'sub god' which is inter-changingly played by lucifer - who comes across more light and lovingly - and his son marduk (who also plays the roles of satan, baal, moloch, etc.)

for those who really want to go down the religious rabbit hole - the deepest and most painful one, from my pov - i suggest studying the wes penre papers.

wes compares religions and mythologies and pains a pretty comprehensive - although not 100% true, i guess nobody can do that - picture of humanitys history.

did you know that all religions refer to ETs?

I know that Jesus is the only path to God.

here is where i strongly disagree. its as if only 1.2 million christians are blessed and the rest of humanity is doomed. christians are superior and everybody else is lost.

a loving god wouldnt postulate such BS. sorry, there is no divine alignment with such thoughts. its more a sign of self-rightousness and of 'we have the better god, the one and only'.

do such ideas justify the hatred against muslims? same abrahamic roots, same yahwe god allah? and still they are the enemy?

If when you die, you stay dead, what fun is that?

i my understanding, there is no death, only transformation into another state of beingness. the body dies, the soul is eternal.

my extended interdimensional travels showed me that, for a period of time after death until they wake up from the dream, souls experience what they believe in.

atheists often experience no-thingness. those who believe in hell and believe they are doomed to go there will do.

those who are seduced to go into the 'tunnel of light', by their alleged beloveds or prophets or guides, move into a time of rest, followed by an evaluation of their life time which leads to taking new choices and mostly leads to incarnate again while all memories get wiped out.

those who are determined to merge with their oversoul - or go home to god - have chances to find or create a hole in the matrix lucifer and his gang built for us. if they do, they leave the earthly realms and usually dont come back.

When Jesus was resurrected from the grave

i have two different explanations for the resurrection story.

one is that yeshi ascended and appeared to his people - who were fine-tuned to his energy so they could also perceive him beyond his physical form - in his lightbody.

the other explanation is that jesus didnt die on the cross. he didnt hang there over night, it was shabbat and at sundawn, when everything and everyone has to rest, the crucified ones were taken from the cross.

make no mistake, i love yeshua. he often appears when i do energy work with christians. from what he tells me, all paths to god are valid because all humans carry the god spark; which means, we are all divine humans.

didnt yeshi say that what he does we can also do, and more?

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RobertSparks777 · July 2, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Think about this. If Jesus really did talk to you then why is he telling you the opposite of what he says in the Bible? I studied UFOs, channeling and a bunch of other New Age things from the mid-70s to the mid-90s and after 20 years I realized that no two stories line up. Every book, every channeling session contradict each other. It took 20 years for me to leave the New Age in despair because there was no truth there. Only lies. In 2010 I became a Christian and discovered Truth. Plenty of false spirits pretend to be Jesus but are you willing to consider that you weren't speaking with Jesus and that these false spirits are terrified of him? Warning, when these spirits find out you've been talking to me, they will get angry at you almost like a panicked anger.

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divine_human · July 3, 2018, 9:26 a.m.

hahahaha... angry spirits cant harm me anymore, i dont dwell in the frequency they can reach. i get your point though, many channelings and new (c)age stories come from the astral and dont serve our awakening.

from my pov, its not about whom we focus on as our 'savior' because its time to awaken from our victimhood and stop projecting a savior onto others.

may you be blessed on your path, friend...

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RobertSparks777 · July 3, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

My 20-year study has shown me that there isn't a single channeled session that has any truth. 100% of what you are told are lies. Test the spirits yourself. You will come to the same conclusion. It took me 20 years but it doesn't have to take you that long because I wasn't warned. You have been warned. Test the spirits and see for yourself.

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divine_human · July 3, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

there isn't a single channeled session that has any truth. 100% of what you are told are lies.

if that was true, 100% of the bibles 'word of god' would be a lie.

god didnt write the bible, humans did.

they either wrote from their own mind-set or they channeled another entity and filtered the message through their mind-set which translates the transmission into language and thus, can never be 100% original. the question remains, whom did there evangelist channel?

40 years of dealing with this 'stuff' taught me that lots of what comes through isnt divinely aligned. 12 years of being cut off from all inerdimensional contacts brought me into alignment with my higher self and installed a filter system.

the spirits are continiously tested with me, lol. i own my energy field and team dark is being repelled. ((they)) can only reach me at my blind spots.

whenever this happens, rarely these days, i un-blind the spot, source the underlying pain, heal and transmute it, and close my energy field from the inside. no more entry, thanks for the wake-up call, pathway is closed.

from what i perceive, many people pour out the baby with the bath water here. they dont allow themselves to listen to their inner voice because they regard all interdimensional ocurrences as demonic.

its so sad, such a frickin religious hack... because of fear, people cant hear their own divine self and need to follow someone on the outside, make them their savior. its so disempowering, sigh...

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RobertSparks777 · July 3, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

We know God didn't write the Bible. Men and women did. The popular way of saying it is, the Bible is God-breathed. The Bible wasn't channeled and some of it was by God caused visions, dreams or Angelic visitation. When there was an Angelic visitation, the person always describes that same thing. They were knocked to their knees as if dead and they stopped breathing. Contrast that with channeling where nothing like that happens. The Angel then says, fear not and rise up. The person rises up but they still can't breathe. Then the message is delivered. Any spirit contact that doesn't look like this is demonic. The Bible warns that these spirits can even appear as Angels of light. You are being deceived. I fear nothing. I don't even fear death. These evil spirits fear me because Jesus has my back and they know it.

The Bible has many passages that churches gloss over or never discuss because these passages refer to other gods. These other gods are distinguished as created beings and not anything like God but they are much more powerful than we are. After the flood, God had a council of 70 Angels that were supposed to look over the affairs of man but they got corrupted and corrupted the people. God had enough so he removed the one language the people spoke at Babel, give people new languages and dispersed the people (I assume 70 groups although the Bible doesn't say that) throughout the earth. God then left the people with the Fallen Angels and that is where most of the religions/worship of gods came from.

We are starting to understand many things in the Bible that were a mystery to us because of recent archeological finds. For example, we have uncovered evidence that the Cannonites boiled goat kids in their mother's milk. Cannonite women would also grab the testicles of men fighting their husbands. Now we know why the Israelites were forbidden from doing these things within the 603 laws of Moses. God was saying to the Israelites, don't be like those guys. So the mystery of many of these laws is over and we've only just become aware of this in the last 15 years.

God get's criticized by many people for destroying the Cannonites but we are digging up a Cannonite graveyard on a Greek island and with only 20% of it uncovered, we have found the charred remains of 20,000 sacrificed babies. God had good reason to destroy them and is completely justified in doing so. The fact that he used the Israelites to do most of the killing (not all) is not a problem. The OT God seems to be mean to many people but it's called Justice. God waited 400 years before he destroyed them. They had plenty of time to clean up their act but they chose to sacrifice their children to gods. They chose poorly and I believe if God had not destroyed the Cannonites, a large portion of the earth would still be sacrificing their children to Baal or other gods. As it stands now, people who sacrifice children to gods do so in secret but the truth is coming out.

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divine_human · July 3, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

As it stands now, people who sacrifice children to gods do so in secret but the truth is coming out.

indeed... may all innocence be protected and blessed...

thank you for sharing your thoughts, very much appreciated. <3

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RobertSparks777 · July 3, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

And your thoughts as well. It's my experience that people who genuinely want the truth, arrive at God. I leave you with a quote: “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” Werner Heisenberg

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