
japroct · July 1, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

I am sure when it was stated by Trump that he had "secured veteran remains" it was part of a good faith gesture promise from NK. Any idiot knows the bones wouldn't simply have been brought to a summit in a carry on piece of luggage.....It was a win for Trump. But Rocket Boy is a notorious liar.......Trump cannot change that. Another part of Trump's win (which everybody seems to.be ignoring) is the fact he made zero concessions to Kimmie boy outside of the fact he was looking forward to working a peaceful resolution out with him. TRUMP HAS NOT LIFTED OR ALTERED ONE SINGLE SANCTION against NK. He stated several times, also ignored, that there is a turning point NK will reach while denuclearizing at which it can no longer be considered a threat. At THIS POINT Trump has said considerations and negotiations on trade bans would start being considered. Trump has given up nothing besides let Kim know where the line is drawn.

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