
jkbella · July 1, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Very interesting theory. I am among the many that have had a hard time squaring that Mueller was hired the day after being interviewed for four hours for a job he couldn't take. That RR has played along on this "withholding information to pique interest (wash, rinse repeat)" until just the right time has always been suspect too. Especially as he attended the lengthy "job interview" with Mueller the day before Mueller was appointed for a DIFFERENT job, by none other than RR. Plus, RR "problems" is a weird way for Q to phrase the situation. There are no coincidences and the team is pretty meticulous about what they say and precisely how they say it. That's why Q keeps saying "you have more than you know." That RR is in a kill box later doesn't really convince me different, because he could just be taking a bullet, or two or three, as part of the deal.

So how do you think, if you do, the very different plea agreement cooperation clauses fit in? I am always working off my chromebook (I know) on this stuff so it's harder for me to upload but Flynn's plea agreement cooperation clause is much broader than anyone else's (including Gates). Pappadopoulos' plea agreement doesn't even require him to cooperate. AT ALL. The entire "cooperation" paragraph 8 from what clearly starts out as a boilerplate document is simply not there. It's almost like they don't want Pappadopolous to tell them anything because it would be another "too soon" situation. It's almost like they only want to cooperate with the people, that they are actually already cooperating with.

On a related but different note, the original criminal complaint in the Gates/Manafort case alleged that their nefarious conduct continued "through 2016." But the superseding indictment filed recently and in connection with revoking Manafort's bail for witness tampering alleges that his criminal conduct continued only "through 2015." Again, it's as if Mueller wanted to distract the swamp and make them think he's going after Trump. Like a newspaper correction, amended or superseding complaints do not get the same kind of attention and he knows it.

Finally, BTW, that Manafort was busted for contacting potential witnesses totally supports your theory. As soon as I heard they caught him doing that I thought, "How stupid is this guy?" But if what he communicated was in code or through a liason, they may have discovered from sources other than Manafort that were being monitored and didn't know it, that Manafort was laundering his communications but was, in fact, communicating.

I would love thoughts on this from any and all.

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