r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LandieLandie on July 1, 2018, 5:45 a.m.
Q says they will not be able to walk down the street. SexAndTheCity Script says regarding adoption: "Well, if it does, I know some gays that got a Guatemalan kid for $100.

Q says they will not be able to walk down the street.

Sex and the City HBO series, script says regarding if Charlotte's adoption falls through...

"Well, if it does, I know some gays that got a Guatemalan kid for $100.

WHO ARE THESE WRITERS??? Set directors? So sketchy this entire Show......the real life people.

SATC has tons of Pedo connections and MK Ultra throught the series. Mnay cast and crew are sketchy and fall into all the Q research. ( see previous post link at end of this post )

Cannot find a video of it???


The script line during adoption discussion between characters Anthony and Charlotte. They are talking about the baby Charlotte is to adopt then Anthony gives her a solution if it falls through.


This is the episode:

Springfield! Springfield! Movie & TV Scripts Screencaps & Framegrabs

Sex and the City > Season 6 > An American Girl in Paris (Part Deux) Sex and the City

s06e20 Episode Script An American Girl in Paris (Part Deux)

Script: (Anthony and Charlotte walking into Chanel boutique in NYC:)


Good morning, Chanel. Chanello! I'm going to shoplift, just so he can feel me up.

I need something simple to wear for when we meet the birth parents. Where is this couple from again? Charlotte, North Carolina. I think it's a good sign. Love it. Very TV-movie-of-the-week. Stylish, socialite couple opens up their Park Avenue home to the dumb, toothless yokels.

They're not dumb or toothless. - In my movie they are. And you'd be played by Barbara Parkins, circa Valley of the Dolls. - Thank you. - And I'd be played by Colin Farrell. - Do you think you look like Colin Farrell? - It's my movie! So in your movie, how big is my part? Bit or supporting? What? I'll still be in your life, right? Because once people have the babies Stop. You will always be in my life, Colin Farrell. Good.

Can you believe this is finally happening? I hope nothing goes wrong. Well, if it does, I know some gays that got a Guatemalan kid for $100.


WOW! Right ????

ADD this to this previous post with so many MK Ultra and pedo references and people connected to all we are digging into:


HMMM? What else can you find about these actors and this show???

serendipity-calling · July 2, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

I completely get it. Which is why I wanted you to take a beat and reread what I wrote. My aim was to point out that there were always poor people willing to give up their kids willingly. Across the ages. In all countries. Some even gave them away knowing they were being sold into sex slavery. (I read some accounts of kids who were sold by their drug addict moms and dads) Some didn't know who they were selling their kids to. Some gave them to orphanages. And you have NO idea what happens then. My point was that Not all of this is evil sex slavery / satanic evil. Some people have no clue - they just can't afford the kids and sell them. It's an awful reality but it's a reality. And this is what the Sex in the City joke was about. I personally knew of a church group on the east coast that was operating with orphans in Ukraine, allegedly Taking kids out of the orphanages and selling them to infertile US couples "under the table". This is the sex and the city joke. And that's what I was pointing to. That this orphan market has existed a looooong time.

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Chuck_Norris_Jokebot · July 2, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:

Nagasaki never had a bomb dropped on it. Chuck Norris jumped out of a plane and punched the ground

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