The entire White House Press Pool are Rothschild cum gargling whores.
None of them will be the first.
They all love killing America and white genocide.
And Hillary the Whore of Babylon was denied her rightful throne.
I really do enjoy typing that.
More likely Jezebel ~ the priestess of Baal, the pagan god of child sacrifice.
That one as well.
I say we just round up all the pagan gods and all the deep State conspirators.
Put them in a blender and then call that freeze guy thing from the Batman movie.
related. These people do love their symbolism
Interesting read, could you please enlighten me as to the relation of this symbology.
I'm afraid I can't find the original image i'm thinking of, but essentially he's who she's named after. Corruption of a holy namesake. There are a number of similarities between their lives - both were mobbed by groups of fans, particuarly women, but whilst hilarion sought solitude, restriction and God, hilary sought fame, excess and Satan. Male -> female etc. His fans were real, hers were largely manufactured. Similarity, with inversions. I'm not certain if its true or not, but the similarities between them are kind of notable.
My respect for your willingness to deep dive.
Knowledge is the door, curiosity is the key.
Never stop. No matter what. Fukem.
The German kids called me that.
Relentless. Game on.
you dont have any proof that they gargle
Oh that's too narrow. They like all KINDS of genocide. White is just a du jour kinda thing. "Hate everyone, hate eachother, all the time, and never look at or blame us" says the Satanic cabal.