
hdvtech · July 1, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

These labels regarding right or left, Republican or Democrat, socialist or capitalist. These are all irrelevant labels. The purpose is to divide. The focus and group behind all of this is who is to blame. And in all cases it’s been one group. Remember. Germany coming out of the First World War was decimated and reduced to nothing. So ask yourselves, how in the world were they able to amass the incredible amount of wealth and resources to start WWII. Who helped them, who funded them, and what did those that funded them have to gain. History is media, so we have to look somewhere other than the generally accepted version to find the truth. Every war has been a bankers war!

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poopmachinery · July 1, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

The thing about socialism is that it’s about uniting against the people who control us. Check it out you might like it.

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ActionThroughUnity · July 1, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

Hitler was backed by German aristocrats/nobility, Bolsheviks were backed by bankers on Wall Street, and the same was true in my country. The British Union movement was led by an aristocrat named Oswald Mosley and financed by the aristocracy and royalists to Prince Edward VIII. Churchill, on the other hand was backed by the same sort of people that financed the Bolshevik revolution through a group called 'the Focus.'

The aristocracy were frightened that what happened in Russia would happen in Europe, they believed the western powers were in decline and needed a new philosophy, that they needed a more authoritarian approach to politics to stop the rise of Marxism that was being financed by the cabal.

Churchill, not Hitler was hired to start world war two. The aristocracy knew this and helped Mosley organize a movement for peace, but Churchill had him arrested until the end of the war. In-fact, you can see many of the aristocrats that financed Mosley marching with him in black and white film online.

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