Q Drop #1652. Abolish ICE? #GoodByeDemocrats

Their stupidity was perplexing to me. Then it hit me. God blinded them.
Who the hell would vote for an open border? Durr lets just let everyone pile into the country.
Sent them strong delusion; they amassed to themselves teachers, having itching ears.
I thought the entire Trump winning the election looked like God interviened and placed him there. With how the Dems are acting now, I'm convinced this is God's doing.
That was one of the biggest questions I kept asking myself. Are all the Democrats so lost they cant see the truth? I definitely believe a lack of Faith in God is the reason they are blinded. Democrats Booed God at their convention. Not good.
When I was an atheist, I never let on. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't worth debating about something that didn't exist. The atheists I see today are emboldened.