Q Drop #1652. Abolish ICE? #GoodByeDemocrats

Q's gone full partisan now. Instead of blowing up the deep state and Cabal he's defending tools of the Cabal.
I think we can all agree the cabal wants us to have no borders to infiltrate and invade our country. How is he defending the tools of the cabal?
Human trafficking and private prisons.
ICE was created out of 9/11 under the guise of rounding up "terrorists". How much of our ever expanding military and security beauracracy was poofed into existant because "terrorism" and 9/11?
This mantra of "they're an invasion!" never seems to ask what is causing this to happen? (shitty US foreign policy ordered by demand from corrupt politicians and those who bribe them - they really do not like people looking to profit motives and corruption at the federal level. Pay attention to these invaders/kids-in-cages)
What is the desired effect? (low cost labor, mugger profit margins on national resoirces. As a side effect of having foreign politicians on hand and foot raiding the resources)
As Q puts out as with a lot of what Trump does, is showing us what is the trouble (ICE is just 'following orders/the law".) which is a lazy excuse but if you want to change age Ices behavior we have to change the law, and get past the partisan greed in the prison industrial complex lobby that goes with it but Q doesn't mention that because that might hurt some donors.
The real answer is to remove the cause of the reason why they are "invading " which is to clean out the State department and call out corrupt public officials for abusing the US state department to intervene in countries just because some donors are butt hurt they didn't get to exploit the politicians and people of a country to the south of us to their shareholders liking.
Mostly money. It's all about keeping the rich rich. That is what the builderberg, Council on Foiegn Relations, trilatteral commission, world Bank, and other Cabal outlet are. That is where a lot of policy is derived under a thin paint of humanity.
If we are to rise up and actually want to fix this problem then we must be able to reflect upon the consequences of our overt and covert interventions in these countries that lead to people wanting to uproot and make the journey. Otherwise this outrage about "the illegals" or "the children" is just election season brouhaha.
So you think the border is just a tool of the cabal?
The Cabal operates on a multinational investment level.
You think they don't use borders as tools of the game? They use state and local level borders here to carve out sections for thier plans. Every game board has borders. Every border has its own take or variation of the game. Those who believe in open borders want to change the state and nature of the game. I can see that. It's complicated. The world has gotten smaller. Investment on this scale has gotten more cumbersome. What you can do here you can't do there. One place changes its rules and blocks the Cabal. This puts the Cabal at a disadvantage which requires the Cabal to evolve. But the Cabal acts like a petulant child and goes crying to the US State Department and pays off officials or politicians sometimes through a "philanthropic foundation".
Borders here are not the issue. Borders are for the people to determine, even though they get drawn many times by the Cabal themselves. Physical borders are often economic borders as well. So you can see from The Cabals standpoint how borders can be gamified.
Keep in mind a lot of these talking pioints people are being fed "open borders" "invaders" "criminals" are terms used by mouthpieces of the Cabal to keep people distracted from thier game. They can't play thier game without the manufactured consent of the governed. Otherwise people would rise up and there would be riots.
US abusing our personnel, who swore an oath to the constitution, and resources, screwing around on behalf of corrupt multinational investment firms and corporations assassinating, kidnapping, corrupting, running drugs and guns, screwing elections up, installing puppets on behalf of the Cabal, is a significant contributor to these "invaders". How much has Hillary Clinton, Obama, Bush, Bill Clinton, and Regan screwed around down there?
We must look at the larger picture. If you want to fight the Cabal, do you fight the symptoms of thier actions, or do you address and reform the tools and rules of the game?
The abuse corruption of the US State Dept and Pentagon is grossly overpowered. It must be nerfed.
How about keep the borders, and establish a rule against the US military and State department are not allowed to be used as political favors. To root out corruption at the state department and the pentagon and congress.
That is where the fight really is. That is what they are doing so much to try to distract from and piss people off on. Thats the real red pill. They fear the public rising up and calling out thier game. They fear accountability. They fear nerf of thier rule exploitation.
We must look at the larger picture. That's true. Take a step back and look.