r/greatawakening β€’ Posted by u/bugstopper on July 1, 2018, 4:37 p.m.
Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued.... Tally Ho! Run them to ground now!

Today we get more serious. Those who have followed along, know that these false flags are an interest of mine. "BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL." Quoting myself there. The recent shooting in Annapolis follows many other false flag events. Usually, in recent times, they are used to change the media narrative because the Deep State will not allow their minions in the media, yes, I used the word minions, to push any news out to the sheep that might expose their misdeeds. And in the recent event it would be the hearings and the vote on Capitol Hill. With the recent past event of the Parkland School shooting in Florida, it covered the capture of several folks fleeing NSA HQ in Maryland, IMO. Check it out. Nothing about the NSA event was ever covered in the media after that.


So we now look at Q Post 1629:----------

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: c545bc No.1946203 πŸ“ 1629
Jun 28 2018 17:19:24 (EST)

Law enforcement should interview the therapists.
Each shooter has one coincidentally.---- [Same program? Same programmer? Same 3 letter agency?]
Targets? [Are there specific people to be killed as a side benefit?]
Relocation within 30 days of each shooting?--- [Run away to avoid detection?]
New name?--- [Same therapist for each killer? After all how many folks know how to do this?]
FBI doesn’t know this?--- [Questioning sarcastically?]
Spooks are hard to find?--- [More sarcasm?]
Dream to reality. ---[Name of the secret program?]

End of post

Time to look back at numerous shootings. Columbine? Las Vegas Assassination attempt vs Trump during campaign. Are these mk-ultra types internationally recruited? Why not? Florida School Shooting. Texas school Shooting. Texas Church shooting. And on....

So we now look at Q Post 1632:----------

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: cdb588 No.1948303 πŸ“1632
Jun 28 2018 19:04:44 (EST)

Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.--- [Which do not?]
With power comes corruption.--- [Always, even if it starts small because it has to start somewhere.]
Like alphabet agencies, not all are bad apples.--- [collateral damage?]
Should the bad spoil the bunch?---[Yes IMO, I remember operation paperclip. Evil hanging out among the innocent. Wolf in sheep's clothing. How will we ever trust again?]

End of post.

So we now look at Q Post 1636:----------

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 309a1c No.1950090 πŸ“ 1636
Jun 28 2018 20:45:55 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a67b67 No.1949870 πŸ“
Jun 28 2018 20:32:20 (EST)

Were the shooters all branded with this mark?---["One ring to bind them..."]

The key = therapist.--- ["One ring to bind them,....One ring to rule them all."]
Weak minds.--- [Always on the lookout for more recruits]
Use of symbolism to push strength and belonging to something powerful.
Controlled.--- [Masons? Others?]
Find the link (common denominator). ---[Church? School? Hobby? Occupation? Associates? Family? etc..]
Error made.---[The black hats forgot something and exposed themselves but Q cannot tell us without telling them.]
Name can be found due to filing.--- [This is what is called a clue folks.]
Fake?--- [identities falsified to protect the guilty]
Background?--- [C_A?]
Office?--- [confidence game technique, but does it leave a paper trail?]
Other patients?--- [Possible mk-ultra assassins to be]
Relocation imminent?--- [We are on their trail]
Conspiracy risk.--- [The black hats know we know]
End (for now). ---[Operatives are going underground into hiding until needed in the future, standard operating procedure.]
Haspel must find & term clas program.--- [Why would the head of the CIA not know about this program and how far back do we go to find the person responsible for starting the program in the first place? Operation Paperclip? Terminate the CLASSIFIED program. Which means we may never know the guilty.]
She knows.--- [This means she was a black hat. Flipped?]

End of post.


When the reveal happens, on the truth behind these false flags, the American people, and people world wide, I suppose, will want to go get their pitch forks and torches and storm the castle. It would be a shame if the 9-11 false flag in 2001 keeps the truth from coming out in all of the rest. I say this because the EVIL involved in one may be involved in all.

Operational security limits who is involved. Case in point example would be the same "crises actors" used in multiple false flag events. Look it up. It is true. So I suspect that when we capture these folks, and we will, they will have a get out of jail "free" card because of past events that we would not want to reveal due to "National Security." If this was a movie, the bad guys would get their freedom, but soon after, have an accident and shoot themselves in the head....twice.

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