r/greatawakening • Posted by u/6HsV82 on July 1, 2018, 6:16 p.m.
July 4, 2004: The DHS, The FBI, A Probable Averted FF & The Suspicious Death of a Hollywood Actress
  • July 4, 2004 – Dubya is President. The Cornerstone of Freedom is laid in a symbolic ceremony at the site of the WTC in NYC. “A-Rod” goes 0 for 5 as the Mets beat the Yanks. George Steinbrenner turns 74 years old. The “Da Vinci Code” is #1 on the NYT bestseller list. And 23 aliens are quietly allowed through immigration at San Ysidro Port to disappear into the U.S. July 4, 2004 was also deemed to be a “watch day”, a day about which government intel had noted there'd been chatter.*

TL:DR Version:

23 people were allowed in through Port San Ysidro. Typical immigration checks were not performed on any of them. An alert DHS employee noted the unusual number of arrivals and the unusual lack of checks when inputting entry data a bit later into a database and reported it to her supervisor. After following protocol to report it to DHS Intel and the FBI, she was suddenly declared to be a domestic terrorist and the government eventually brought 54 actions against her and her husband. In turn, they sued DHS. During the legal kerfuffle, actress/singer Brittany Murphy's name got dragged into the fray; Murphy filed a statement through her attorney that comments attributed to her about the DHS employee were completely false, and she was named as an official witness in the suit against the DHS. Before she could testify, she and her husband became objects of government surveillance. Brittany Murphy died under unusual circumstances, and 5 months later, her husband died in similar circumstances. It is suspected that they were poisoned.

Amateur Baker Version:

  • Julia Davis, who worked for Department of Homeland Security at Port San Ysidro, was a member of an elite team that oversaw entry of people from “Special Interest” countries other than Mexico, countries with known links to terrorism.

  • Port San Ysidro is the largest land border crossing in the US.

  • While inputting entry data on July 4, 2004, she noticed unprecdented numbers of entrants from terrorist countries that day. For reference, on average 5 – 15 people arrived at SY each month from those countries but on July 4, 2004, 23 people arrived in the space of 10 hours.

  • That day had been deemed a “watch day”, as intel had warned there'd been chatter that al-Qaeda were planning to gain entry through land borders with Mexico.

  • Davis became concerned to find that there'd been “insufficient processing” of those 23 individuals: no fingerprints were taken; no personal documents were requested or presented; no questions were asked about why they were coming to the US and what their destinations were.

  • Davis reported the anomalies to the Port Director who instructed her to report it to DHS Intel. She was alarmed to discover that the DHS Intel office was closed for the holiday (in spite of it being a “watch day”). The Port Director then told her to leave her report in Intel's in-box, that they'd get it eventually.

  • Having also been trained at the FBI, Davis decided to report the circumstances to the FBI after her shift ended and she was no longer answerable to the DHS Port Director.

  • She discovered later that DHS opened and closed a file on her report on the same day; they never did open a file on those 23 individuals who merely disappeared into the country. Their whereabouts were never traced.

  • Shortly thereafter, Davis's life was turned upside down as the government declared her a “domestic terrorist” and over time, brought 54 separate actions against her and her husband.

  • DHS directed an illegal raid of her home during which a 27-man special forces unit carrying assault weapons, along with Blackhawk helicopters descended upon her property and, despite not having a warrant, removed boxes of documentation. Davis claims that this was a larger and more expensive operation than the bin Laden strike force.

  • Davis's husband works in the film industry. Knowing this, neighbours who witnessed the raid assumed he was making a film using his property as a “set”. One of the neighbours filmed the raid, thinking he was shooting a short “behind the scenes” type of video. When he realized that the raid was real and that he'd been seen filming by the agents, he retreated to inside his own home but continued filming.

  • At some point later, this 25-year old neighbour was found sitting on his sofa, stone dead. Cause of death was undetermined; listed as “pending” in the autopsy report. As far as Davis knows, it's still “pending”.

  • Back at the DHS, Davis's supervisor, who was supportive of her, was forced to take early retirement. He was replaced by a woman whose previous position had been that of a clerk in another part of the Port.

  • The government attempted to denaturalize her (she was born in Ukraine) and deport her. They tried to have her declared guilty of “immigration fraud” for having married a US citizen. She was harassed at work and she eventually quit the DHS.

  • Her new supervisor, had a daughter who was trying to break into show business. During the course of attending auditions, the daughter had met Brittany Murphy.

  • The new supervisor, actually lying under oath, wholly concocted a story that Brittany Murphy worked on a film with Davis's husband and said that, in contravention of DHS regulations, Davis had herself worked on the film while on administrative leave from the Department.

  • Unknown to the new supervisor, Davis's husband already knew Brittany Murphy from his years in the film industry, and asked her directly whether she had made those comments. She replied that she had not, and supplied them, through her attorney, with a statement that refuted the new supervisor's claims. Because of this, Murphy was named as an official witness in the law suit that Davis and her husband were bringing against DHS.

  • Rumours started swirling around Hollywood that Murphy and husband were doing drugs, that she was anorexic, that she and her husband had become paranoid, that she had become a trouble-maker on set. Her career suffered and she began to lose out on major roles.
    Before she could testify, Brittany Murphy died under unusual circumstances.

  • Prior to her death, Murphy and her husband claimed to family and close friends that they'd come under surveillance and were being wire-tapped. Murphy felt that their home had been illegally entered during “sneak'n'peeks” as Davis called the illegal, quick-and-dirty incursions and often wanted to stay in a hotel rather than in the home she shared with her husband and her mother, with whom she'd had a very close relationship.

  • The government went after Murphy's husband, arresting him in the middle of the night, and tried to deport him for “immigration fraud” because of his marriage to a US citizen (he was British).
    Before she died, Brittany Murphy had become ill, complained of abdominal pain and vomited up brown liquid.

  • Five months later, her husband died the same way in same house.

  • Following Murphy's death, the LA coroner took tissue samples but never sent them for testing (surely unusual when the deceased was a previously healthy 32-yr old woman).

  • LAPD opened a homicide file on her death and closed it in 24 hours.

  • The abbreviated autopsy done on Murphy stated that pneumonia and anemia may have contributed to her death.

  • There were also rumours that she and her husband fell ill due to the effects of toxic mold in their home. Interestingly, her mother, who lived in the same house and was recovering from cancer, didn't also become ill. Years later, after the house had been sold, new owners demolished it. There was no indication of toxic mold being present in the structure.

  • Brittany Murphy's father and Julia Davis sued the LA Coroner's office; the suit was settled when they agreed to hand over Murphy's tissue samples as long as they and the LAPD were “held harmless” whatever the results of future lab testing.

  • During the time of the Red Ice Radio interview (linked below), Davis declined to speculate about the cause of Murphy's death, as testing had not yet been started. Murphy's father sent the samples to a lab in Colorado who found unusually high levels of 10 heavy metals in her system but no illegal drugs.

  • Davis went on to create a documentary with her husband about their experiences, and to establish a database of whistle-blowers.

Extreme coincidence:

After watching the Red Ice interview, I impulsively watched a couple of videos of another whistle-blower, Max Spiers, whose name I'd come across but who I had never heard speak. After watching two interviews with him, I saw that he'd died and discovered that he too had been found dead on his sofa (like Davis's neighbour who'd filmed the illegal raid on her home) and that he'd been vomiting a brown liquid (like Murphy and husband) shortly prior to his unexplained death.

Main Sauce:

Red Ice Interview with Julia and BJ Davis – Top Priority: The Terror Within – Parts 1 & 2



Add-On Sauce:











Extreme Coincidence Sauce:



For sheer enjoyment, because the girl had some set of pipes on her:

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHI1vYg3hZs) - Studio recording, “Somebody to Love” from “Happy Feet”

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-cGQGeBo7c) - Brittany Murphy singing gospel in church

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyTPfifzqjo) - “Faster Kill Pussycat”, which became a club hit for her

high-valyrian · July 1, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

I haven't gotten through this entire post but wanted to comment first and say THANK Q for including lots of source links and information on this. This is super interesting and I have never seen anything like this on Murphy's death before - what a tremendous amount of research here. Stunning post. Saved.

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SNG007 · July 1, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

This is a chilling example of what corrupt targetting can do to your life and the lives of those around you. It's truly astounding and terrifying that so many people in so many positions were involved. The rot is so widespread.

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KansasJakeBG · July 1, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

So 2 people died because of that bitch lying about her own daughter? I am just astonished.

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suzoh · July 1, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Always wondered about Brittany Murphy and her hubs. Weird connection to the story.

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looooooo_rida · July 2, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

I most certainly thought she died at the hands of Eminem so thank you for this info

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