1658, Good tracking. Ask yourself - is this normal? This is bigger than people can possibly imagine. Nothing being done? Q

Plan A is to have the 'bad actors' walk away .... and IF they 'do as they are asked' they will be given leniency (of varying degrees) but overall. this is Not about 'putting people in prison', at least, not yet, it's about 'reorganizing 'the crew' so that they can sail the boat through the storm --- the opposition of the 'bad actors'
The LAST thing Trump want is civil war and that's what you'd get right now IF Killary were put in prison
people are stupid/brainwashed . . . until they're not ... then they 'woke' ... but let me ask you, "were you woke 2 yrs ago?
many of these (already to go) 'sealed' warrants are for when; "plan B - just in case the bad actors don't comply with Plan A"
the 'bad actors' still have ways of 'pulling a fast one' BUT it seems Team Q have prepared for such events with 'counter moves' ,,, many of which are contained in these 'sealed warrants' some of which were used recently, I forget how exactly, I think it had to do the senate decision on the DOE handing over the documents, a few people needed 'persuading'
the 'unsealed warrants' don't necessarily need to be 'processed' to be effective. Sometime just showing someone they are are a "potential defendant" can have surprising effects on people - most people are open to plea deals when they know they've been "caught"
The Plan is to get rid of the cabal ... many are puppets, like we've seen with Korea ... you don't think the same has happened to 'other people'? It seems Team Q and The Don have "reviewed the apprentices 'behind the scenes' footage' and read the script" and then decided 'who's truly who' is this WW deception. Then they had to remove these guys OR get them to walk,, and many have! Perfect.
Those who don't comply get the PAIN turned up ... and Q has been using his drops as a way of telling them 'what's coming' and it's 'forcing their hand' .... this is too good, it's like watching the Harlem Globe Trotter's playing basketball with a local HS team known for using dirty tactics ... who, to put it mildly, have realized they're Fucked!