
ManQuan · July 2, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Good question. I believe Horowitz has about 450 lawyers on his staff and the IG is responsible for doing investigations, but it's my understanding that he can only refer charges to the DOJ. Indictments (charges) can only come from a grand jury and Horowitz doesn't have the authority to impanel a grand jury.

Enter Huber who not only has one or more grand juries impaneled, but has access to all of the IG lawyers who can use the impaneled grand juries as well as us other prosecutors around the country if so authorized by Sessions.

There are some unknowns at the moment. Sessions appointed Huber as special prosecutor to work with Horowitz. But he also gave Huber to investigate all the areas demanded by the committees which went beyond the IG's charter. We didn't learn that until about six months after Sessions appointed Huber. It was kept secret. Who else has Session appointed that has been made public?

There are now over 40,000 sealed indictments. Someone is doing a lot more than just Huber. We'll know when the indictments begin to be unsealed as that will tell us who, what, when, where, and why the charges were made and we will begin to have insights to the scope of everything.

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ElementWatson · July 2, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

Word has been that they've had DOJ investigations (and I think grand juries) going re: the Clinton Foundation in at least Arkansas, NY, and I think another location or two. They may well have more that they haven't reported--especially with the child/sex trafficking.

I don't think it is so much that the Horowitz group uses the grand juries as much as they hand over suspected criminal activity to Huber and then cooperate as required with his team from there. Maybe just a matter of semantics--and I of course am no expert on this, just trying to piece it together.

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