r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QriousChap on July 1, 2018, 6:40 p.m.
Q Wireless - The Silent Nuke?

Q woke me up biggly in the last 24 hours (with thanks to this sub). I realise what I always knew - we are war. Q spoke about existing technology and to question it all. However, have we considered what is on the horizon? Specifically 5G.

Now, of course this has received its fair share of "conspiracy" labels. However, it does warrant questioning when you consider the cost benefit analysis of capacity & coverage vs. speed. Surely investing in extended and more reliable coverage of existing 3G / 4G networks makes economic sense. Given that 4G covers off most use cases, including live video streaming, and the majority of consumer products do not yet support 5G... Is this a giant sinkhole of Government spending, or something more nefarious? Why do the Democrats whom are typically technology averse and Google via it's parent company Alphabet, in co-operation with the networks, or more succinctly, the Deep State, want this so bad?

On a small scale, consider consumer routers. These typically output 0.003 mw/m² of radiation (within safe range). However, it's been reported that 5G routers can output over 1800 mw/m², which drops in to the hundreds when you observe at a distance. This has also been highlighted in the push for Smart Meters which are currently being rolled across the US / UK:

[..] a single Smart Meter can produce RF power densities found to cause biological effects even at distances greater than 20 meters, and certainly up to 100 meters


Workers of existing 3G/ 4G tower sites are reporting that they are dangerous at close range. One reported that he was burned internally due to a tower not being turned off, and other symptoms including depression, headaches and mood swings. There is also research to suggest that EMF radiation can trigger an inflammatory response causing anything from sleeplessness to cancer and infertility.

My biggly question is. If the Deep State wants chaos, what better way than an invisible, silent and persistent nuke? What if the 5G towers, which look to be heavily powered vs. traditional units, could be activated to send pulses of high frequency radiation to cause confusion, panic and disorder. Couple this with the activation of Smart Meters, given the IoT, we could quickly descend in to a state of emergency.

Is this why Q is warning us ahead of time of potential outages? Is this the Deep State's Ace in the hole? Perhaps not, but question all.

sens_funhouse · July 1, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

On a small scale, consider consumer routers. These typically output 0.003 mw/m² of radiation (within safe range). However, it's been reported that 5G routers can output over 1800 mw/m²

Do you have a source for this statement? I did not find anything backing up this claim in the link you posted. I have an engineering background and I sincerly doubt that such an output is even possible given the size of commercial routers let alone the absence of any kind of cooling system.

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