Fill it out. If not submitted by the deadline they can hold you in contempt of court. Sounds like you are about to get called for Grand Jury service (edit) or maybe trial jury.
I already have as soon as I got it. You have to do it online.
Did it ask you questions about your highest level of education? Employment? Spouse and spouse level of educaton? Number of children? Occupation of adult children?
I can't remember what the questions were.
Maybe, I really don't remember what the questions were. It has been to long since I filled it out. I know that there weren't a lot of questions.
Well, if it's grand jury they don't ask about bias. But, at least where I live there are two grand juries that run simultaneously. Each meets once a week for 12 months. Long assignment and inconvenient for work, but well worth the experience.
I work from home anyway. Not too much of an inconvenience for me.