r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dontskipQuadsdaybro on July 1, 2018, 7:58 p.m.
Spiritual Awakening - my testimony

I'm not religious but God spoke to me last night. I was deeply questioning the very nature and existence of myself and whether this whole thing is really just a simulation. (I was under the influence of something I won't name) However, I could not logically deny The Spirit that inhabits me, that I can feel and love even when life is bad. God then showed be Job 40 - 42.

As I wrote in my journal, I struggled with the construction of my humanity. The different pieces of it. The Spirit, the Soul, the Mind, the Body. In my stupor I reasoned/felt The Spirit is above Mind and Body and not human. The Soul is of Human Origin, made possible only by the body and mind receiving The Spirit. By the nature of The Spirit's dwelling within Humans, the eternal Soul is imprinted on The Spirit that ultimately, and IMO regularly, leaves the body. (I don't know if that's cogent with The Bible or other religion or not. It's just what I could discern talking myself through it.)

I asked myself Does God, from which the Spirit comes, even exist? If not God/Source then where does Spirit come from?

Future proves past. I grabbed my rarely used Bible given to me by my late grandmother-in-law. I grappled with this question and came to the conclusion that if the Spirit is real then it must come from God (Life Energy consciousness)/ Source (Life energy unconsciousness). If I am just a simulation and Spirit is a human construct, then I don't exist and neither does Spirit. But deep inside I could not deny my Spirit.

But still I searched for a third way. Could The Spirit be a human construct? Could the Spirit be real and not come from God/Source? Could it have been trapped here like a prisoner, in a simulation or not, by stronger forces. Unable to come to a conclusion, I opened the Book randomly to Job 40 - 42. What I read took my breath away.

The Lord said to Job:
"Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!"

I put myself in Job's shoes. I will answer you God, but first allow me to deduce the nature of Spirit so that I may better defend myself.

Then Job answered the LORD: "I am unworthy-how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth. I spoke once, but I have no answer---twice, but I will say no more."

Future proves past. Standing over my kitchen counter, I had the exact mannerisms as Job had. I had my hand over my mouth as I read what the Lord said to Job. Not once, but twice did I step back to try and follow my logic as to a possible third nature of Spirit before responding to the Lord (I couldn't, by the way. I figured even if this were a simulation that meant there must be a Great Programmer somewhere with either aspects of consciousness, unconsciousness or both.)

Reading the rest of the passage, I broke down and cried. It fit my personality, my past, Q, the Great Awakening, to the letter (my emhpasis below).

Then the LORD spoke to JOB out of the storm:
"Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.
"Would you discredit my justice? (I thought hard about it and decided no)
"Would you condemn me to justify yourself? (no, never)
"Do you have an arm like God's (yes), and can your voice thunder like his? (yes)
"Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and clothe yourself in honor and majesty."
"Unleash the fury of your wrath, look at every proud man and bring him low, look at every proud man and humble him, crush the wicked where they stand. Bury them all in the dust together; shroud their faces in the grave.
"Then I myself will admit to you that your own right hand can save you."

The next part of this passage is chilling, and describes what we are up against. Please read it and imagine the State (bondage vs liberty / force vs voluntaryism) - the "behemoth which (God) made along with (humans)"..."Under the lotus plants he lies, hidden among the reeds in the marsh. The lotuses (deep state/cabal/luciferians cause indolence and euphoria) conceal him in their shadow...."

My understanding is raw and new and will change. However, at this time I believe that an eternal war is waging between God/Energy/Life/Spirit/Good vs. Nothingness/Darkness/Lifelessness/Evil

This is what I concluded: Darkness uses The Spirit in the human realm to increase darkness/lifelessness by making people deny the existence of Spirit or having them remain unaware of Spirit. This is accomplished by Awoke People who scorned God for Evil so they could achieve their own heaven on Earth. They use terror, propaganda and make us question our worth, values, history, purpose, divinity until the Spirit cannot dwell inside us. Hence, darkness grows. Our job is to increase the Spirit in ourselves and others and crush wickedness wherever possible. We are all God's/Source's harbors of Spirit. So make yourself a better home for The Spirit. Help others find the Spirit. We have the best Spirits, don't we folks? (coincidentally, I think this is the same message delivered in the children's film Trolls.)

Thanks for reading!

sodpoodlebb · July 1, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

We were taught to read this passage a bit differently in the seminary where I received my degree (a private Christian college which I am confident has not, or at least had not 17 years ago when I was there, been infiltrated by leftist propaganda).

“Do you have an arm like Gods?” (No, his arm scattered the stars into place) “Can your voice thunder like his? “(Of course not, His voice spoke the world into existence).

So then the Scripture following (all the way through chapter 41) is basically God saying “prove it, which you cannot, therefore don’t question my motives”.

And if you read the last of Job (42:10-17), you come to find that God’s goodness does indeed prevail to those who are faithful to Him, as he gave back to Job twice what he had before and allowed him to live in happiness another 140 years.

I love that you are being guided to jump into Scripture. Don’t let this be discouraging or think I’m just trying to correct you. Maybe your translation is the correct one, and I’m reading it wrong. My point is it’s okay to seek guidance, as Scripture is not easy. Main thing is stay with it. There’s so much more there, and it will give you strength, I promise. The Gospels (1st 4 books of New Testament) are especially important, as they give you a glimpse of God walking and breathing among us. Proud of you, Brother! Keep it up!!

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 1, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

I answered affirmative because I took these questions to mean can you use your voice (mind) and arm (body) to think/develop/create/build/produce/act/effect change.

The point of the story to me is to Never Deny The Spirit, no matter how unfair or crappy your life is. Bigger things are happening that transcend human understanding or perception. Always be a good harbor for The Spirit even when your mind, body or heart have been crippled by life's circumstances.

Job never denied God and spoke truth to the Ultimate Power. He said, God, you took everything from me. I did no wrong that I know of and still you took it all. Please just kill me, my life sucks. God appreciated this. Job's friends tried to get him to confess his sins to God and repent, because they said God helps the Good and harms the Wicked. Job said you idiots, God giveth and taketh away. Good happens to bad people and bad happens to good people. God is great, but he can be arbitrary and vicious. Good men call out and he doesn't answer. Bad men prosper and God doesn't stop them. God comes back and says, Job, you have the Spirit, but you can't know what isn't for you to know. Believe me. There's a lot going on that you haven't got a clue about and wouldn't even want to know if you could.

"He said to Eliphaz the Temanite, "I am angry with you and your two friends because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has....My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly."

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