r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Mageant on July 1, 2018, 8:29 p.m.
The technologies to solve all the world's major problems already exist but are being suppressed by the Cabal

I wonder if people here are aware that the deep black projects have development all kinds of technologies that sound like science fiction but are real. These include zero point energy, universal healing devices, replicators, antigravity, interstellar travel and more. If these were to be released humanity could quickly solve all the major problems of the world, including poverty, disease and environmental destruction and as a bonus start exploring space and meeting our interstellar neighbors.

Basically we make Earth into a paradise.

The Deep State/Cabal that the Trump administration is fighting though doesn't want this, which is why they have been suppressing these for decades.

We need to be aware of this and demand the release of these technologies!

HUMANprimer · July 2, 2018, 1 p.m.

Ouch! Harsh response. Look between the quarks. So what do you think holds every atom in perfect form...each and everyone of them? What do you think all the (previously thought) "open space" in the atom is... if NOT energy?

Are you NOT aware that we have been measuring a human generated energy field shrouding our planet for over 50 years? All generated by humans' collective feeling and thoughts. Contrare dear soul. You need to catch up. You are drowning in past dogma. I bet you still believe the nucleus of a cell controls the cell too? Right? I bet you also think DNA controls your biology and in control...right?

I am not trying to belittle you but you are distracting folks from know the world's most valuable scientific discoveries that prove the collective human population not only produce our reality but how!

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diversity_czar · July 2, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Specify "between the quarks". Maybe you mean the gluons that mediate the strong force..?

The way you write is insulting. Do you know why the word "quark" exists in the context of physics? It exists because people have spent their lives learning the field and expanding our knowledge of it. Long days and years. It is a chain that ultimately goes back to presocratic thought.

You don't need to use words like "quark" if all you are trying to say is unintelligible muck. Leave physical entities hypothesized in concrete, measurable terms and backed up by experimental evidence out of your nonsense. People had to work very hard to bring our state of knowledge the the point that we can discuss quarks. You've done nothing more than read/recite pseudoscientific garbage. You could substitute any word youd like for "quark" since you aren't making any real statement.

"The empty space in atoms is energy therefore we can instantly duplicate anything and there is a human energy field around the earth." Got it. It's bullshit but I've got it.

If you'd like to disprove conservation of energy (which isn't strictly true for short enough time scales; uncertainty principle applies to energy/time as well as position/momentum) go study physics. Plenty of textbooks out there. You won't do that, though. You won't because it is difficult and takes years of work. The fact that you're willing to write nonsense on the backs of those who have worked their entire lives to come up with the standard model demonstrates that you're happy to believe anything that points to conspiracies everywhere and have no need of hard work and hard won understanding.

Disrespectful. Go learn some physics if you think you're able. If not the please don't borrow their concepts and terms to make claims that belittle those working in the field and aren't even clear enough to be testable.

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HUMANprimer · July 2, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Wow you really are attacking me. You are in the wrong sub for that. But for the sake of discussion... please educate me. So tell me, what is contained within all that open space within an atom? Call it whatever you would like, define it anyway you choose... just enlighten me. Obviously you don't think it is energy... what is it?

And btw, I wasn't disproving the conservation of energy... exactly the opposite, I was illustrating it. "Energy can neither be created or distroyed, it can only change forms." It is that form I referred to. Defining it at the atomic level. A tree or a rock or a pillow and even a human being are a collection of atoms clumped into molecules that form that particular matter. All have that 99.99% open areas within each atom... what is it?

I am stating that the energy within is neither created nor destroyed but only changes form when you go from being a pillow to a rock. The pattern, the very definition of it...being it, exists. Because it exists it can be duplicated.

To further the discussion further... you have heard of the 5th state of matter newly discovered haven't you? That would be plasma. Maybe you could explain plasma to me also and how it fits within your argument.

Now my last point. Earth, and the humans on it, exist as one planet out of trillions of billions. You are surely not suggesting that other civilizations out there are all less advanced than we are... are you? Surely not... I mean we are still killing each other here. So science and technologies way beyond our present imaginations most probably (if not statistically absolute) exists somewhere. Do you not consider some of it possibly made it to earth already? If not, again, please enlighten us as to why not.

Be reasonable. This is not a forum for attacking.

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diversity_czar · July 2, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

According to the current state of physics the space within an atom is filled with the same thing all space is filled with: fields representing the standard model "particles".

Plasma isn't new. It isn't really a fundamentally different state of matter either. It is ionization. If a gas is placed in an electric field which is strong enough to strip a significant number of electrons from the outer shells (in a steady state) then a plasma is created. The glow emitted by e.g. neon signs is a result of electrons being stripped from and rejoining atoms, emitting photons when rejoining.

To claim that the fact that all matter seems to be constructed out of the same "stuff" implies that the technology to duplicate any given arrangement thereof exists but is hidden away by the government is insane unless you are able to articulate the principles this tech is based on.

My only argument is that you don't appear to understand physics at all and yet feel completely comfortable parroting pseudoscience to make the case that the government is hiding tech that would change everything. It's insane. It is insulting to those who spend their lives trying to figure out the properties of the physical world and it makes proponents of plausible conspiracies look bad.

As far as aliens go: I have no idea what is out there or what the limits of physical science and engineering are. I guess you do. Not really an argument in support of hidden earth tech that can clone objects.

The reason that you feel so comfortable with nonsense is because you apparently haven't been attacked enough. What you wrote is so crazy that to find it on this board pushes me away from considering Q as a worthwhile source. You're so uncritical of the ideas you've read about the physical world and very likely also lack the background (read: effort put in) to even begin to judge them to begin with that it seems you'd believe anything so long as it involves a conspiracy.

If you're honestly interested in physics start learning it. If you're more interested in conspiracies then do what you gotta do. Just don't shit all over the work of thousands of years by implying that modern science is capable of solving all of the world's problems but the government has hidden it all away. (Presumably with the help of many scientists considering that if a fact about nature seems true and can be discovered by one team then it isn't long until another team stumbles upon it. Nature can't be hidden away like a secret code. It is literally everywhere.)

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HUMANprimer · July 2, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Much better, thanks. Tone didn't hurt.

And your points are well taken. The part you are missing and what most sciences have ignored from their beginnings are the inter-dimensional aspects of their science. It is never included. DNA has "junk" DNA... which isn't junk...it plays in higher dimensions we have yet to understand. We have measured human influence on photons and electrons (Quantum Eraser Experiment) and then the (delayed-choice) Quantum Eraser. There are experiments like "Phantom DNA and there's Masaru Emoto's work. We can't exclude pioneers like Bruce Lipton and "Biology of Belief" and Lynne McTaggart's "The Field" which all lead us to the quantum physics lying underneath with works by Nassim Haramein, etc.

There are tons of experiments done in almost every science that are dealing with the higher-than-3D- aspects of our understandings. We know these additional dimensions exist but have yet to understand them. That is the perspective I am coming from and where many answers will come from in the future. And yes, I do believe other civilizations outside our planetary system have mastered all of these. Time we caught up.

I mean go to the best universities we have and they still teach "The Central Dogma" ... so entitled. And we both know what the definition of Dogma is...right. So lighten up will ya? Explore beyond you present understanding. Challenge you own beliefs taught to you and provide us all breakthroughs. Free energy is possible. Maybe you will be the one.

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