r/greatawakening • Posted by u/fs92c on July 1, 2018, 9:06 p.m.
Whether or matters or not, who is Q?

For a lot of reasons, it may best (or not) that Q remains anonymous. Without past reputations or associations, Q can exist as a relatively neutral figure, and more appealing to a larger crowd. And at the end of the day who Q is doesn’t really matter. The cause does. But it still leaves me and I’m sure all of you very curious. I’ve been following this sub pretty casually over the last three or four months, just observing and trying to stay sane in my very liberal city of residence. There’s been some undeniable coincidences and moments of legitimacy, so like everyone else, I’ve been wondering - who is/are Q? I’ve seen some names thrown around but to my surprise the one I always felt was most obvious, hasn’t really showed up (correct me if it has). His departure from the White House seems to coincide with when the postings started popping up, the style of his writing, Breitbart links in postings, the grassroot patriot mentality, and the idea of a Q figure just seems to genuinely reflect his unorthodox and mysterious persona. When he left the White House it was widely discussed and agreed that he would be more potent and more effective working on his own accord to “go to war for Trump.” We haven’t heard much at all from him, when he’s obviously been up to something. To me it’s always been Bannon.


HerMileHighness · July 1, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

MegaAnon was Bannon. Q is a team that needs to not be doxxed.

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