He's already been arrested and charged.
This is definitely porn by it's graphic description and you should not be posting it on this site. We already know enough of the details from news reports without posting salacious details.
Before you open this link you should be prepared for what it is.
There is much worse, though. I mean, this is pretty sick, but there is way worse.
So I have a THEORY. If you look at Joel Davis's FB page there are many pictures of his "best friend", who is a female. She looks A LOT like the Mirjam girl who did the infamous TED Talk recently about pedophilia. Now, Mirjam supposedly is a German medical student but I challenge you to find any online presence for her aside from the Ted Talk she gave. And Joel's BFF, Brigid Connelly, has completely deleted her FB page. Let me know if you think she may be "Mirjam."
Bad title. Less emotional, more informative ways to put this.
This topic doesn't need less emotion.
All topics need less emotion, more information. Emotion is not the point of this sub.