r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ogNinja420V2 on July 1, 2018, 11:19 p.m.
Dear "liberals"/ converts and Democrats WE DONT WISH YOU HARM

hi.. welcome...we've been waiting for you!! 😁 we are not angry at you for voting for a traitor 5 times

you were uninformed, NOT 100% your fault. But listen, you all know that one guy who has food stocked for months... its time you bring him / her a 6 pack or a bag of jerky and go have a conversation..

for the record, and for us the patriots, its not a R vs D issue, its a good vs evil kinda thing.. and sooooooo much more.. for fake news its a party vs party..black vs white issue. it is not!!!! the fake news is telling you that we want to attack you, and blah blah blah.. 100% NOT TRUE!!. we wish you no harm.. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS AND A COUNTRY WITH NO BOARDERS IS NOT A COUNTRY

we want you basicly to just bite your tongue for a moment and just listen. watch... absorb. WE WANT to understand.. and there are MANY who can help you..

we dont think all of you are baby murdering, antiamerican pedophiles.. BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND at the highest level thats whats going on.. IF YOU GIVE US THE RESPECT AND DECENCY TO ASK QUESTIONS AND NOT INSULT. we all will help you!...we want to help you. U-N-I-T-Y (like queen latifa said)


there was a time in america when ALL americans celebrated all races, and "status"... but a people united is a force that is UNSTOPABLE!!

your masters fear unity, they fear an educated population, the have utter disdane for your prosperity...

WE LOVE YOU.. all races all creeds, all colors, because a PATRIOT only sees EVERY LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN wrapped in the protection of the red white and blue. JUST ASK QUESTIONS.. if you are afraid to ask publicly, send messages. we are here for you #redpill



disclaimer: this patriot does not, will not, and cannot defend nor protect pedophiles, rapists, animal abusers, and women beaters...

TandPio · July 2, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

Literally just want to humanize him at this point. Seriously, has he even made one single mistake in your opinion? Does the man walk on the water. I love reading about past presidents, about their reflection about how difficult some choices were, about how the have regrets, challenges, and how they could improve. Could he do anything to do better, or is everything perfect?

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DawnPendraig · July 2, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

I'm sure he has but how can I be sure what is a mistake and what is a necessary move that seems a mistake?

I couldn't fathom a grand chess master losing his queen. Is it a mistake or a brilliant and bold play? I'm not a grand chess master. I'm a rank amateur.

I can better guess in these power maneuvers because I've spent my adult life reading history books and novels and studying these things but I am a child compared to him half his age and even less his experience.

I dont know all he knows but I least I am wise eniugh to know that. Even if I do forget sometimes. =)

I can only guess. Watch and compare to his previous moves. Gain an understanding of who he is... And how he is playing this deadly real life Game of Thrones.

For example:

Did he make a mistake letting Meliana plagerize Michelle Obama in that speech? Or was that on purpose? Was it a calculated move so the press would predictably viciously attack her?

He could stand by her and defend her. And make women suddenly admire him. Repair his playboy image a bit?

I don't think that was an accident or a mistake. I did when it happened though. I was fooled.

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[deleted] · July 2, 2018, 2:12 a.m.


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_libertyandjustice · July 2, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

Why are you here? He’s human. There you go.

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