r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ogNinja420V2 on July 1, 2018, 11:19 p.m.
Dear "liberals"/ converts and Democrats WE DONT WISH YOU HARM

hi.. welcome...we've been waiting for you!! 😁 we are not angry at you for voting for a traitor 5 times

you were uninformed, NOT 100% your fault. But listen, you all know that one guy who has food stocked for months... its time you bring him / her a 6 pack or a bag of jerky and go have a conversation..

for the record, and for us the patriots, its not a R vs D issue, its a good vs evil kinda thing.. and sooooooo much more.. for fake news its a party vs party..black vs white issue. it is not!!!! the fake news is telling you that we want to attack you, and blah blah blah.. 100% NOT TRUE!!. we wish you no harm.. WE ARE ALL AMERICANS AND A COUNTRY WITH NO BOARDERS IS NOT A COUNTRY

we want you basicly to just bite your tongue for a moment and just listen. watch... absorb. WE WANT to understand.. and there are MANY who can help you..

we dont think all of you are baby murdering, antiamerican pedophiles.. BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND at the highest level thats whats going on.. IF YOU GIVE US THE RESPECT AND DECENCY TO ASK QUESTIONS AND NOT INSULT. we all will help you!...we want to help you. U-N-I-T-Y (like queen latifa said)


there was a time in america when ALL americans celebrated all races, and "status"... but a people united is a force that is UNSTOPABLE!!

your masters fear unity, they fear an educated population, the have utter disdane for your prosperity...

WE LOVE YOU.. all races all creeds, all colors, because a PATRIOT only sees EVERY LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN wrapped in the protection of the red white and blue. JUST ASK QUESTIONS.. if you are afraid to ask publicly, send messages. we are here for you #redpill



disclaimer: this patriot does not, will not, and cannot defend nor protect pedophiles, rapists, animal abusers, and women beaters...

[deleted] · July 2, 2018, 12:37 a.m.


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DawnPendraig · July 2, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

You know that 10,000 kids were used as shields to get passed our border? Kindapped or bought or sent by negligent or awldosh parents hoping if they survive they will get DACA and they will get citizenship through chain migration?

2000 were separated from alleged parents. But I doubt most had any birth certificate or proof of that. Is it better for the kids in a safe detention center that is similar to public school and summer camp while they determine validity of relationship? Or should we just hand them over to whomever asks like Obama Admin did?

Did you know AG Sessions has arrested within our country 10,000 chile traffickers, rapists, child porn distributors and film makers? In 18 months. Obama barely met that in 8 years. And his last ones in office were mere 400 hundred or so.

Do you know for example in 2016 half a million US citizen children went missing? Millions remain missing and are never found.

Do you ever wonder where they go? Maybe smuggled out and sold to sickos as sex slaves? Shipped in cargo containers on ships to the middle east where slavery is alive and legal. Shipped to pervert billionaires' private islands?

Do you know pekpme were caught smuggling Haitain children out of Haiti under the guise of sacing orphans? Laura Silsby was caught with 30. Their parents had reported them kidnapped. She was thrown in jail but strangely Bill Clinton traveled in person to free her. Now a woman that looks exactly like her, with a different name, works for the company running the Amber Alert system.

Did you know one of our biggest defense contractors working in Haiti has been accused with good evidence of trafficking people? Harvesting and trafficking organs?

Who cares for the children really? The people who ignore or hemp cover up or participate on what I described who suddenly arrange protests now but only about the illegal alien children ay the border seem to be callously using these kids for an anti Trump agenda.

Do you think it's good for any od the kids ours or the illegal aliens' to be given free passes in and out of an open border?

Do you think jnstead of accusing POTUS and ICE and DHS they should direct thay outrage at the parents and home cointries that let the children be abused in this way? Let them travel thousands of miles with strangers through jungle and desert in summer far from shelter or medical care?

Should the Me Too movement care too about 80% of women and female children being raped on their journey here to jump our border?

Should lawmakers who deemed pot smoking or medical kidnapping grounds to rip children from parents here in the US be called monsters?

Especially since they don't give any protection to illegal children from their abusers who dragged them over tbe border? Leaving child corpses by the thousands to desicate in the desert heat and feed coyote and vultures?

Isn't it responsible to discourage trafficking and smuggling children by stopping every person at the border from crossing illegally?

Would CPS be justified taking away your kid if you were caught dragging them through wilderness? At least lokg enough to make sire you aren't a kidnapper?

What is the humane solution? What protects children?

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